Direct Relief Delivers More Than $2.6 Million in Medical Aid for Pakistan Floods

Since record floods hit Pakistan in September, Direct Relief has delivered more than $2.6 million (wholesale) in medical aid for people affected by the emergency. The emergency infusion of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies has been sent to five key partners in Pakistan who have been treating flood survivors at their health facilities and through mobile medical clinics:

Corporate donors have generously supported the Pakistan flood response by providing critically needed materials. Abbott has provided three consignments of critically needed material from its facilities in Pakistan, including Pedialyte and other nutritional products for children to speed delivery. Johnson and Johnson released a disaster preparedness module for this response, which contains basic emergency materials ideal for flood conditions.

As the estimated 20 million people displaced by flooding continue to live in camps and begin to return to their homes, Direct Relief will continue to support partners providing essential healthcare to these vulnerable populations.

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