Direct Relief Sending Eight Emergency Shipments for Flood Relief in Central America

Four of Direct Relief's partners in the affected region have opened their pre-placed Hurricane Preparedness Modules in response to the flooding

This week Direct Relief is shipping eight (8) shipments of emergency supplies to key partners responding to the severe flooding in Central America.  FUSAL in El Salvador, American Nicaraguan Foundation (ANF) in Nicaragua, Caritas de Guatemala in Guatemala and Project Global Village (PAG) in Honduras will each receive one air shipment of the most critically-needed essential pharmaceuticals and supplies, followed by a large ocean shipment of supplies.  The shipments are collectively worth over $417,000 (wholesale) and include antibiotics, gastro-intestinal and topical medications, first aid materials, infant formula and nutritional supplements, disinfectants, and cold formulas.

In addition to the air and ocean freight shipments, four partners in the affected region have opened their pre-placed Hurricane Preparedness Modules in response to the flooding: the American Nicaraguan Foundation (ANF) in Nicaragua, FUSAL in El Salvador, God’s Child Project in Guatemala, and Project Global Village in Honduras.  Each pack contains nearly $50,000 (wholesale) in medicines and supplies—enough to treat up to 5,000 people for one month.

Chester Thomas of Project Global Village in Honduras reports treating both ailments caused by the flooding, such as childhood pneumonia, skin infections, and respiratory problems, as well as  chronic conditions such as AIDs, chronic respiratory problems, and heart problems.  He said in an email about the hurricane preparedness pack, “Having [food and water] and your medicines was the very best we could have done to provide emergency and immediate relief to many people.  The emergency module with the key medicines is an excellent strategy… it is efficient, cost effective and provides a 95% response to immediate health care needs following a natural disaster.”

News sources are reporting over 100 people have died, 56,000 have been displaced, and over 1 million have been affected by the devastation caused by the severe flooding and mud slides from Guatemala to Nicaragua. Direct Relief continues to monitor the situation and may deliver additional shipments depending on the needs of our partners.

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