Note from Missouri Highlands Health Care

Direct Relief was humbled to received this letter from Missouri Highlands Health Care:

As the contact person from Missouri Highlands Health Care company to Direct Relief, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Direct Relief USA for the wonderful contributions you have given to our uninsured patients for the year of 2011.

Our diabetic patients really benefited from the generous supplies of Aviva Test Strips and glucometers, and the rate of home blood sugar checks increased, which pleases the doctors greatly. Without this gift of the glucometers and test strips so very many of our patients cannot afford these supplies.

Our diabetic counslor(s) and registered dietians worked closely with these patients and our providers to ensure that the supplies were used to the best of our abilities.

The other supplies, as well benefited many uninsured patients that would not have recieved needed medications or supplies to treat their particular needs.

Thank you Direct Relief on behalf of our many many patients who benefited so much.

Cindy McGee LPN
Outreach & Community Educator, Missouri Highlands Health Care

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