Point Breeze Volunteer Firefighters Receive Emergency Packs, $10,000 to Rebuild After Sandy

Direct Relief equipped the Point Breeze Volunteer Fire Department with an Emergency Pack for each of its 25 volunteer firefighters as well as donated $10,000 to rebuild their fire house earlier today on Good Morning America.

The initiative is part of “You’re Not Dreaming” week on GMA – a series of inspirational stories where people doing exceptional things in their community are recognized on the show.

When Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast last October, the volunteer firefighters of Breezy Point, N.Y. fought against rising tides as they tried to rescue the people of their community.

With today’s donation, the California-based nonprofit ensures that these first responders have the right tools to respond efficiently the next time disaster strikes.

The grab-and-go emergency pack each volunteer firefighter received is a ruggedized, specially-designed backpack filled with disaster-related medical supplies to help address community needs in an emergency.

Each pack contains supplies and equipment to meet a variety of emergency needs, including infection control, diagnostics, wound and trauma care, and personal protection tools.

The $10,000 donation will help add a second story to the volunteer firehouse to provide safety in case floodwaters were to hit again, as they did during Superstorm Sandy.

Click this link to see a clip of the surprise donation.

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