Responding to Flooding, Landslides in Nepal and Northern India

Direct Relief is reaching out to partners in western Nepal and the Uttar Pradesh district of northern India, where torrential monsoon rains that started last week have triggered landslides and flash floods, claiming the lives of more than 200 people and leaving thousands displaced.

An estimated 1,677 houses were damaged or fully destroyed, leaving many in the region vulnerable to cholera, typhoid, malaria fever, viral diarrhea, and skin infections.

Blocked and damaged roads have made it especially difficult to transport medicine and medical supplies to affected areas. But as waters recede and debris is cleared, Direct Relief is working with healthcare providers in Nepal and India to identify and deliver needed medical items.

One such healthcare provider, BlinkNow, is based in Surkhet, one of the worst-hit districts in Nepal. BlinkNow’s Kopila Valley School is hosting hundreds of displaced Nepalese. Blankets, hot meals, clothing and diapers are being distributed to everyone sheltered at Kopila; their medical technician is on site addressing health concerns. In collaboration with the local government, the organization is implementing a post-disaster damage and needs assessment.

Emergency hospitals report need of IV fluids, catheters, bandages, oxygen, oral rehydration solution and antibiotics. Additionally, ointment to treat skin infections, cough medicine, iodine and bandages are needed for basic care.

In India, Direct Relief has a team on the ground meeting with grassroots organizations like Doctors For You who respond to flooding in and around Uttar Pradesh by deploying volunteer medical practitioners and delivering donations of medical supplies.

Monsoon season continues through September in India and Nepal, threatening more heavy rain and a heightened risk of injury and disease. Direct Relief will continue to collaborate with healthcare providers to assess and meet medical needs in the region.

Since 2008, Direct Relief has delivered nearly $900,000 worth of medicine and medical supplies to various charitable healthcare providers in Nepal.

Watch an interview with our CEO on The Weather Channel for more information:

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