Photos & Story: Dr.Gülçin Güreşçi, AKUT

Earthquake Relief in Pictures

Turkey woke up on the morning of February 6, 2023, to the second biggest earthquake of the last century, with a 7.8 magnitude. 

More than a thousand buildings collapsed in the quake,  which caused  severe destruction  in 10 different  cities.

More buildings collapsed 9 hours later when a second magnitude 7.6 earthquake occurred.

The number of collapsed or severely damaged buildings has now reached approximately 173,000. These buildings had 5 to 14 floors; too many people were in them.

AKUT members and volunteers have been working on the ground from the first hours of the first earthquake. And will continue.

The situation is dire. More than 28.8 million people are affected by these earthquakes. 

Reported deaths are now at 44,218 in Turkey and 5,914 in Syria.  This puts the number of total deaths at over 50,000.

On Monday February 20th, yet another quake, this time with 6.4 magnitude, struck Turkey's Hatay province, which had been hit hard by the previous quakes.

More buildings collapsed, 6 were reported killed and over 200 more people were injured.  Eyewitnesses reported many people sleeping in their cars out of fear of further quakes.  

Direct Relief will continue to support their heroic work of AKUT and other on-the-ground responders in the critical days ahead.