Situation Report: Mt. Cotopaxi, Volcano, Ecuador

Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador Credit - NASA
Credit: NASA

Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has declared a state of emergency as Cotopaxi volcano shows increasing signs of activity. Cotopaxi is 35 miles due south of Ecuador’s capital, Quito, and is considered one of the world’s most dangerous volcanoes due to the risk of fast-moving mudslides caused by glacial melt. Several hundred people from nearby villages have already evacuated as authorities watch and wait.

Direct Relief’s South America and Emergency program staff are in contact with local partners and will be monitoring the situation as it develops in the next 72 hours.

Estimated IDPs due to Volcano: 300+ evacuated

Estimated Affected Population: Unknown

Reference: Ecuador declares state of emergency over volcano – BBC

Since 2010, Direct Relief has provided six Ecuadorian health care partners with aid totaling $2,122,650.

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