California Wildfires: Lake, Napa, and Sonoma Counties

Direct Relief Partner and Wildfire Map


With 61,000 acres already burned, 400 homes destroyed, and 23,000 people displaced, the Valley and Butte wildfires continue to blaze across Northern California’s Lake, Napa, and Sonoma Counties. Cal Fire has reported four injuries, and fire officials have expressed concern that dry weather and the wind will cause the fire will grow unpredictably and delay containment.

Beyond the direct risk to those in evacuation zones, wildfires can exacerbate chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma, emphysema, or bronchitis. Even otherwise healthy people can experience symptoms that include abnormal breathing, coughing, chest discomfort and shortness of breath.

Direct Relief’s Response

Direct Relief, as a member of California’s Business Utility Operations Center, is in contact with the Lake County Public Health Department, which is currently reviewing an offer of support. Additionally, Direct Relief has reached out to 11 community health facilities within a 30-mile radius of the fire perimeter.  and is prepared to respond quickly with medical aid according to requests.

N-95 particulate masks, which have a higher filtration than paper and surgical masks, are among the available items in Direct Relief’s inventory. Other fire-related inventory includes inhalers, nebulizers, first-aid supplies, personal care products and medications for eye medications.

Recent Wildfire Updates

California Wildfires Increase 43 Percent in 2015

According to CalFire, from January to August 2015, a total of 4201 fires have consumed roughly 100,000 acres statewide — equivalent to a land area more than three times the size of the city of San Francisco.

Responding to Wildfires Across California

In response to nearly a dozen wildfires burning across California, Direct Relief has offered assistance to health center partners located near the affected areas.

Update: California Wildfire Response

Friday afternoon, Direct Relief issued an emergency offer of assistance to 60 clinics and health centers in Tehama, Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties through its email and emergency text messaging system.

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