WikiHow Supports Direct Relief Disaster Response Efforts

How do you prepare your family for an emergency evacuation? Properly wear a face mask? Keep pets safe during a tornado? Find those answers – and more – by visiting wikiHow, the world’s largest repository of “how to” guides, written by thousands of volunteers, photographers and credentialed experts.

When you do, you’ll also be supporting Direct Relief’s work throughout the world.

For the next several weeks, wikiHow will feature a section on Direct Relief at the end of each article, along with a link to be counted. Each time someone clicks on the button, wikiHow will donate to Direct Relief, up to $1,000 per week.

Direct Relief will also be joining this community as a contributing author to help others learn about various topics related to emergency preparedness and response. If you were ever looking to learn something new, now is the time. Just visit wikiHow and help support Direct Relief.

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