Indonesian Earthquake Rattles Island of Lombok, Direct Relief Extends Support 

A 6.9-magnitude earthquake rocked the Indonesian island of Lombok on Sunday, collapsing buildings and rattling infrastructure, with the devastation causing at least 105 deaths.

Two hundred people were injured, and about 20,000 were estimated to have been displaced, according to Indonesian officials.

Direct Relief is in communication with partner healthcare facilities in the area, including Bumi Sehat Foundation, based in Bali, which is near Lombok.

Direct Relief is supporting the foundation with emergency funding, and will stand by to support other facilities as needed.

Direct Relief has also reached out to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations’ humanitarian agency, the AHA Center, to offer assistance.

Direct Relief partners with the AHA Center, to provide prepositioned emergency medical supplies for ASEAN’s collective response to local disasters in the “Ring of Fire,” the zone around the Pacific Ocean that is prone to natural disasters like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Direct Relief will continue to monitor the earthquake’s impacts and respond as needed.

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