To Address the National Opioid Crisis, This Health Center Acts Locally

Dr. Chuck Fenzi inventories medicines at the Westside Neighborhood Clinic. Since 2017, Direct Relief has provided health centers, clinics, and organizations across the country with over 350,000 vials of Naloxone, including the Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics. (Amarica Rafanelli/Direct Relief)

The opioid epidemic has impacted communities in every corner of the country, posing new challenges for healthcare providers. As opioid-induced overdoses continue to soar, doctors have had to adapt to the changing needs of their patients.

In Santa Barbara County, the Neighborhood Clinics have adopted a multi-tiered approach to battle addiction and promote recovery. The program integrates behavioral health therapy with medically assisted treatment. In order to prevent potential opioid-related injuries, and the clinics provide every patient in their program with a supply of naloxone — a drug that reverses opioid overdoses.

The Santa Barbara Fire Department responds to an alcohol overdose at the Westside Neighborhood Clinic. Substance abuse, whether from alcohol or drugs, is often encountered by clinicians, and they’re working to connect patients to recovery resources. (Amarica Rafanelli/Direct Relief)

On this episode of the Direct Relief podcast, Dr. Chuck Fenzi reveals a first-hand look at what the Neighborhood Clinics are doing to tackle opioid addiction in their community.

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