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Partnerships for Humanity

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd has been developing and producing medicines to improve people’s lives for over a century. Teva is a global leader in generic, biosimilar and specialty medicines with a portfolio of over 3,500 products in nearly every therapeutic area. Around 200 million people worldwide take Teva medicine every day and are served by one of the largest and most complex supply chains in the pharmaceutical industry. Along with an established presence in generics, Teva has significant innovative research and operations supporting a growing portfolio of specialty and biopharmaceutical products.

Quick Facts

Since 2008, Teva has partnered with Direct Relief to deliver prescription drug donations valued at over $1 billion (wholesale) throughout the United States and in over 80 countries.

Teva also provides financial resources to support several of Direct Relief’s strategic initiatives around the world

Jointly, Teva and Direct Relief have been awarded important industry recognitions, including Eye for Pharma’s Most Important Collaboration, WEGO Health Patient Choice, and Pharma Intelligence awards.

Strategic Initiatives

Teva supports Direct Relief through key initiatives to address a specific population or area of need.

Community Routes

Increasing Access to Mental Health Care

The multi-year initiative between Direct Relief, Teva, and the National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics aims to help address key equity issues and advance quality care for underserved populations by expanding medication access and grant funding to clinics caring for medically underserved patients with depression and anxiety.

Community Routes Awardees

Teva is providing free and charitable clinics with $2 million in funding over two years and making available a portfolio of common medications for depression and anxiety. Medications will be available to free and charitable clinics and pharmacies in Direct Relief’s network. NAFC will help identify and evaluate eligible programs and facilitate learning between grantee clinics. The program has awarded $825,000 to 11 free and charitable clinics in Florida, New Jersey and California.

Global Hope

Pediatric Cancer

Global HOPE, Teva, and Direct Relief announced a partnership in February 2020 to boost access to medications in sub-Saharan Africa, where a majority of pediatric cancer and hematology patients do not survive. Under this partnership, Global HOPE determines the specific quantities of medications patients need. Teva provides essential medications for treating cancer and blood disorders to Direct Relief, ensuring the efficient shipping and delivery of donated medicines to Global HOPE facilities.

Enhancing Access2Care

Chronic Disease Care

Enhancing Access2Care was an initiative by Teva, Direct Relief, and Volunteers in Medicine from 2017 to 2019 to find and support outstanding programs run by VIM providers who treat patients with multiple chronic conditions.

Access2Care Winners

Eight winners received $450,000 in funding through the Enhancing Access2Care awards program. Winners were selected for their innovative approaches to delivering primary and preventive health care for patients with multiple chronic health conditions.