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30 Tons of Medical Aid Deployed to Ukraine

Direct Relief's Humanitarian Activity for the week of 03/04/2022 - 03/11/2022


Operational Update

Twenty pallets of Direct Relief-provided medical aid, including 360 Emergency Medical Backpacks, arrive in Poland before crossing the border into Ukraine. The backpacks were specifically requested by Ukraine's Ministry of Health for triage care. (Courtesy photo)

Over the past seven days, Direct Relief has delivered 340 shipments of requested medical aid to 31 U.S. states and territories and 17 countries worldwide, including Ukraine.

The shipments contained 17.9 million defined daily doses of medication, including Covid-19 therapies, diabetes medication, cancer treatments, as well as 30 tons of medical aid for Ukraine in response to calls for support from the country’s Ministry of Health.

The shipments to Ukraine contained IV fluids, PPE, insulin syringes, sutures, field medic packs with requested items for triage care during mass casualty events.

On Friday, Direct Relief routed a donation of cancer treatment therapies, chronic disease medications, and other requested medication within Europe to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health. The organization continues to direct medical inventories in Europe to the conflict zone.

Since the conflict began in late February, Direct Relief has shipped more than $10 million in medical aid to Ukraine. Deliveries include Covid-19 therapies, essential medications to manage chronic diseases, oxygen concentrators, inhalers, field medic backpacks with triage care items, including combat-application tourniquets and wound care supplies.

Since last year, Direct Relief has shipped more than 55 tons of requested medications worth $37.9 million, including monoclonal antibody treatments for patients with Covid-19.

The organization is also focusing on mobilizing cold-chain medications, including insulin, for people managing diabetes in Ukraine and meeting the health needs of displaced people. More than 2.5 million people have fled Ukraine, according to data from UNHCR.

Ukraine Relief

Direct Relief is deploying emergency medical aid, from oxygen concentrators to critical care medicines – while preparing longer-term assistance to people in Ukraine displaced or affected by the war.

In the News


This week, 3.8 million AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccines arrived in Toluca, Mexico, a donation from the United States Government to the Government of Mexico, with logistics supported by Direct Relief.

The organization has supported the charitable transfer of more than 17 million Covid-19 vaccines over the past nine months between governments in North and Central America and the Caribbean.

AstraZeneca vaccines arrive in Toluca, Mexico, on March 9, 2022.

This week, outside the U.S., Direct Relief shipped more than 17.6 million defined daily doses of medication totaling 727,763 lbs.

Countries that received medical aid over the past week included:

  • Ukraine
  • Uganda
  • Fiji
  • Brazil
  • Dominican Republic
  • Pakistan
  • Egypt
  • Jamaica
  • Ghana
  • Honduras
  • El Salvador
  • India


Direct Relief delivered 317 shipments weighing 46,988 lbs and containing 358,444 doses of medications over the past week to organizations, including the following:

  • Health Services Inc., Alabama
  • Acacia Medical Mission, Texas
  • Ironbound Community Health Center, New Jersey
  • Christ Clinic, Texas
  • Metro Ministries, Texas
  • Agape Clinic, Texas
  • St. Vincent’s Student Run Free Clinic, Texas
  • Welvista, South Carolina
  • Tomagwa HealthCare Ministries, Texas
  • Faith Family Medical Clinic, Tennessee


Since January 1, 2022, Direct Relief has delivered 3,684 shipments to 1,185 healthcare organizations in 51 U.S. states and territories and 60 countries.

These shipments contained 71.2 million defined daily doses of medication valued at $325.9 million (wholesale) and weighing 5.8 million lbs.

Giving is Good Medicine

You don't have to donate. That's why it's so extraordinary if you do.