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294 Medical Aid Shipments to 10 Countries, Ukraine and the US Included

Direct Relief's Humanitarian Activity for the week of 04/01/2022 - 04/08/2022


Operational Update

20 pallets of essential medications and health care supplies were delivered to the Association Internationale de Cooperation Medicale (AICM) in central Ukraine. The shipment included an emergency meds, antibiotics, inhalers, and PPE donated by the State of California (CalOES). April 6. (Courtesy photo)

Over the past seven days, Direct Relief delivered 294 shipments of requested medical aid to 31 U.S. states and territories and 11 countries worldwide, including Ukraine.

The shipments contained 20.9 million defined daily doses of medication, including PPE, Covid-19 therapies, diabetes medication, and cancer treatments.

To Ukraine, Direct Relief shipped medications to be used in case of a chemical weapons attack – 220,000 vials of atropine, which can mitigate the effects of a chemical weapon like sarin gas.

“Direct Relief previously distributed the drug to Syrian medical workers after they came under attack in 2017 from the nerve gas sarin and other chemical agents.”

The Wall Street Journal

Another eight-ton shipment of medical aid arrived in Moldova to support its health system as it welcomes Ukrainians fleeing war. Cancer therapies, mental health medications and respiratory therapies, among other medications, were part of the requested shipment.

Field medic packs have been part of Direct Relief’s ongoing support for Ukraine. They contain items for triage care on the battlefield or anywhere improvised care is needed.

A medic on the front lines of the war in Ukraine reviews the contents of Direct Relief’s emergency medical backpacks. The backpacks include trauma-focused supplies, including Combat Application Tourniquets, PPE, and pulse oximeters.

The video above was sent by a medic in Ukraine who received one of the packs.


Direct Relief delivered 277 shipments containing 736,262 doses of medications over the past week to the following US-based organizations.

  • Agape Clinic, Texas
  • Whole Family Health Center, Florida
  • El Centro De Corazon, Texas
  • Open Arms Health Clinic, Texas
  • Greater Killeen Free Clinic, Texas
  • San Jose Clinic, Texas
  • Bethesda Health Clinic, Texas
  • Community Health of East Tennessee, Inc., Tennessee
  • The Shalom Project Medical Clinic, North Carolina


This week, outside the U.S., Direct Relief shipped more than 20.2 million defined daily doses of medication.

Countries that received medical aid over the past week included:

  • Ukraine
  • Sudan
  • Philippines
  • Malawi
  • Zambia
  • Madagascar
  • Uganda
  • Lebanon
  • India


Since January 1, 2022, Direct Relief has delivered 4,985 shipments to 1,314 healthcare organizations in 51 U.S. states and territories and 64 countries.

These shipments contained 116.2 million defined daily doses of medication valued at $516.8 million (wholesale) and weighing 6.3 million lbs.

In the News

  • The Wall Street Journal: Ukraine’s Health Ministry Orders Antidote to Chemical Weapon – “The humanitarian organization Direct Relief said it has fulfilled a request from Ukraine’s Ministry of Health for some 220,000 vials of a drug that can be used to mitigate the effects of a chemical weapon. The drug, called atropine, can raise heart rates and help reduce mucus secretions in a person’s lungs or airway. It can halt the effects of poisoning from certain nerve agents if deployed quickly enough. Direct Relief previously distributed the drug to Syrian medical workers after they came under attack in 2017 from the nerve gas sarin and other chemical agents. ‘Direct Relief is sending this medication with the unmitigated hope that an attack warranting its use never occurs,’ said Alycia Clark, Direct Relief’s director of pharmacy and clinical affairs. The organization said it sent the shipment to Ukraine earlier this week from its pharmaceutical warehouse in Santa Barbara, Calif.
  • ReliefWeb: Medical Aid Arrives in Moldova from Direct Relief “More than 380,000 Ukrainians have crossed the border into Moldova since Russia’s invasion. Most have moved to other countries after arrival, but at least 100,000 remain in the country of 2.6 million people. Moldova shares eight official border crossing stations with Ukraine, according to data from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.”
  • KSBY: Santa Barbara Co. Firefighters donate fire equipment to Ukraine – Santa Barbara County fire agencies are helping deliver equipment for firefighters in Ukraine. Firefighters donated old turnout gear, urban search and rescue gear, medical supplies, ropes, helmets and gear bagsThe effort was organized by local off-duty firefighters in support of Project Joint Guardian. As of Wednesday, the donations were being packed on pallets and weighed. Later this week, Direct Relief will receive the pallets and ship them to Ukraine.
  • PC Invasion: Epic Games and Fortnite raised over $144 million in charity for Ukraine“Epic Games committed all Fortnite profits from March 20 to April 3 to humanitarian relief efforts, focusing its income to help the people of Ukraine.”
  • Vogue: Impact Now • A Print Sale by Vital Impacts“100% of the profits will be donated to Direct Relief who will allocate these funds to the regions in the world in most need of humanitarian aid.”

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