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11.2 Million Doses of Medication Depart for the U.S., Ukraine, and 14 Other Countries

Direct Relief's Humanitarian Activity for the week of 01/13/2023 - 01/20/2023


Operational Update

Requested medical supplies including field medic packs, glucometer kits, naloxone, and more departed Direct Relief’s Santa Barbara warehouse on January 14, 2023 for Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency (County of Santa Cruz Public Health) in response to recent storms. The emergency aid supported the county’s evacuation shelters and storm response. (Direct Relief photo)

Over the past seven days, Direct Relief has delivered 374 shipments of requested medical aid to 44 U.S. states and territories and sixteen countries worldwide.

The shipments contained 11.2 million defined daily doses of medication, including antibiotics, prenatals, nutritionals, PPE and more.

U.S. Storm response

This week, multiple shipments of medical aid departing Direct Relief’s warehouse to equip and assist first responders and medical providers in Alabama and California following multiple destructive storms. Tornadoes in Alabama and Georgia left at least nine people dead and thousands of homes destroyed.

shipment of emergency medical supplies departed Direct Relief’s Santa Barbara warehouse on January 18, 2023, for Northern California. The region was hit by multiple severe storms, and Direct Relief continues to respond. (Maeve O’Connor/Direct Relief)

Direct Relief’s response to California rainstorms continues as communities recover from flooding and slides. Northern California was especially impacted, and multiple shipments to the region that included emergency medical backpacks, overdose-reversing naloxone, personal care items for displaced people, and more.

Read more about this week’s response to storms across the country here.

Pakistan Flood Recovery

Pakistan experienced deadly flooding from June through October 2022, and Direct Relief continues to provide support to the recovering country. Marafie Foundation is distributing medications and supplies donated by Direct Relief to flood victims across the Sindh region. One of the worst-hit provinces, Sindh still has thousands of people living in open areas, tents, and makeshift homes, with stagnant water present in many areas.

The 5-pallet shipment included cardiovascular drugs, local anesthetics, PPE, and tents distributed to a medical center and two hospitals impacted by the devastating flooding.

Further support to Pakistan includes an upcoming 39-pallet shipment of donated medications to Baqai Institute of Diabetology & Endocrinology (BIDE). BIDE, in connection with Baqai Medical University, has taken on an expanded role in supporting people impacted by floods throughout the country.

Material Support for Ukraine

This week, Direct Relief delivered emergency medical supplies and medications to healthcare providers in Ukraine, including antibiotics, insulin supplies, and PPE.

Emergency medical supplies are received in Ukraine and distributed to local healthcare providers by Kharkiv Renovation Fund this week. (Courtesy Photos)
Ukrainian Soul recently created hundreds of medical aid kits to distribute to newly liberated regions in Ukraine. Direct Relief donated vitamins and other supplies to help fill each kit. (Courtesy Photos)

Since Feb. 24, 2022, Direct Relief has provided medical aid to Ukraine weighing more than 2.4 million pounds, or 1,200 tons, with more on the way.



This week, Direct Relief shipped 9.9 million defined daily doses of medication outside the U.S.

Countries that received medical aid over the past week included:

  • Ukraine
  • Honduras
  • Dominican Republic
  • Bangladesh
  • Sierra Leone
  • India
  • Syria
  • Nicaragua


Direct Relief delivered 343 shipments containing 1.3 million doses of medications over the past week to organizations, including the following:

  • Rural Health Medical Program, Inc., Alabama
  • NC MedAssist, North Carolina
  • Society of St. Vincent de Paul dba St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy, Texas
  • CommunityHealth, Illinois
  • UNC Health Care, North Carolina
  • Safer Alternatives through Networking & Education (SANE) – Clinic Site, California
  • Clinica Esperanza, Rhode Island
  • Volunteers in Medicine Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
  • Family Health Clinic of Monon, Indiana


Since Jan. 1, 2023, Direct Relief has delivered 844 shipments to 601 healthcare providers in 43 U.S. states and territories and 21 countries.

These shipments contained 12.4 million defined daily doses of medication valued at $46.6 million (wholesale), totaling 363,552 lbs.

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