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14 Countries Receive Medical Aid Over Past Seven Days

Direct Relief's Humanitarian Activity for the week of 04/05/2024 - 04/12/2024


Operational Update

Shipments of multivitamins, thermometers, hypertension medications, and more were received by Ukrainian NGO Yevgen Pyvovarov’s Charity Fund and distributed to local healthcare providers this week. (Photo courtesy of Yevgen Pyvovarov’s Charity Fund)

Over the past seven days, Direct Relief has delivered 447 shipments of requested medical aid to 48 U.S. states and territories and 14 countries worldwide.

The shipments contained 10 million defined daily doses of medication and supplies, including cancer therapies, rare disease treatments, prenatal vitamins, field medic packs for triage care, and more.

Babies in Dominica NICU Receive Respiratory Support

Recently, a neonatal ventilation unit donated by Direct Relief was installed at the Dominica-China Friendship Hospital, Dominica’s largest medical facility. The unit will increase the capacity of the hospital to provide high-frequency ventilation for newborns.

Direct Relief’s commitment to emergency response and improving overall health care in the Caribbean region has continued in response to hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, and other disasters. This commitment was highlighted last summer during the Caribbean Emergency Preparedness Summit in Puerto Rico, where Direct Relief brought 15 Caribbean nations together in an effort to listen and learn about the impacts that increased risk of natural disasters has on their respective country’s healthcare infrastructure.

operational Snapshot


Over the last week, Direct Relief shipped more than 8.8 million defined daily doses of medication outside the U.S.

Countries that received medical aid over the past week included:

  • Iraq
  • El Salvador
  • Dominican Republic
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Malawi
  • India
  • Guatemala
  • Ecuador
  • Peru
  • Madagascar


One of this week’s recipients was Care Beyond the Boulevard, a Kansas City-based organization dedicated to providing medical care to those living without permanent housing.

The group received wound care products, cardiovascular medications, and other requested medical supplies.

One of this week’s recipients was Care Beyond the Boulevard, a Kansas City-based organization dedicated to providing medical care to those living without permanent housing. (Courtesy photo)

Direct Relief delivered 427 shipments containing over six tons of medications during the past seven days to organizations, including the following:

  • Tampa Family Health Center, Florida
  • The Agape Clinic, Texas
  • OneWorld Community Health Centers, Inc., Nebraska
  • Wellness Pointe, Texas
  • UMC Free Clinic, Florida
  • Planned Parenthood Keystone, Pennsylvania
  • Knox County Health Department, Tennessee
  • Trust Women, Kansas
  • Open Door Health Center, Florida
  • Lake Norman Free Clinic, North Carolina


Since January 1, 2024, Direct Relief has delivered 6,581 shipments to 1,474 partner organizations in 54 U.S. states and territories and 61 countries.

These shipments contained 105.2 million defined daily doses of medication totaling 2.1 million lbs.

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