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High Temperatures, Lingering Smoke Hover Over Many Parts of U.S.


Extreme Weather

Shipments of medical aid for U.S. health facilities are prepared in Direct Relief's warehouse on June 27, 2023. As the U.S. moves into the July 4 holiday, much of the country is experiencing high temperatures and resulting health impacts from extreme weather. (Kim Ofilas/Direct Relief)

Heat waves and still lingering smoke are impacting much of the U.S. this holiday week.

Much of the South has experienced oppressive heat waves over the past two weeks, with temperatures reaching triple digits in many areas, and at least 10 people have died in Texas due to heat-related health issues.

Temperatures dipped slightly in the South on Monday, but will remain hot through the July 4th holiday. Heat advisories have also been issued for many parts of the Southeast and Mid-Atlantic regions of the U.S. Also impacted are states out West, including parts of California, Arizona, and Nevada.

Parts of the U.S. Midwest and southern Canada are still experiencing air quality issues after wildfires in Canada sent smoke wafting across a broad area of North America. Smoke can exacerbate respiratory issues in those managing asthma and COPD, and can be particularly harmful for young children, older adults, and those with compromised immune systems.

Heavy smoke days, as seen in the Midwest and East Coast. The red color indicates 10 days of heavy smoke in the month of June. (Direct Relief)

Direct Relief maintains communication with health facilities, including health centers and free clinics across the U.S., to gauge medical needs during emergencies and on an ongoing basis. The organization has shipped N95 masks, air purifiers, respiratory medications and eye drops over the past week in response to the smoke impacts in multiple cities.

Direct Relief continues to monitor conditions and is ready to respond should medical aid be requested.

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