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Coronavirus Response: Live Story – June 2020



Health equipment donations from Direct Relief arriving to Ecuador on June 4, 2020 to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 emergency in the country. (Isadora Romero for Direct Relief)

This live story is no longer being updated. 

For the latest case totals and donation data at a glance, be sure to check Direct Relief’s live updating map:

June 30 – Current U.S. totals for Covid-19 relief, as of 12:26 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time:

13,499 shipments sent to 2,252 recipients valued at $127.3 million.


Coverage of Direct Relief’s $1 million grant to Federally Qualified Health Centers in Puerto Rico:

“They know what it is to help, support and work hand in hand with us, so that the health and stability of our communities is under control,” [Ivonne I. Rivera, executive director of Health Pro Med] said. “Direct Relief supports us so that we can plan and respond quickly and effectively to emergency situations. Everyone would like a partner like them, they always come first in the most difficult moments.”

Read the full story here:
Direct Relief awards $1M+ in cash to island community health centers to fight COVID-19


June 29 –   Direct Relief CEO Thomas Tighe appeared on Bloomberg Radio to discuss PPE supplies, how Direct Relief has filled critical gaps, and public-private partnerships.

The interview begins at the 21 minute mark:
Sound On: Sen. Ernst, Rep. McCaul, PPE Supply (Podcast)


A comprehensive update on Direct Relief’s international (non-U.S) response follows. All figures listed are cumulative totals since January 30, 2020:

-Direct Relief has sent 101 deliveries to 48 countries valued at $10.3 million.

-Included in this figure are 121 ICU kits which have been sent to 32 partners in 29 countries. The kits contain intensive care meditations, ventilators, oxygen concentrators, and PPE.

Given that the needs of our partner network far exceed our ability to supply, these partners and countries have been carefully selected based on the following: knowledge of the existing partners and network, direct requests for help from individual partners and Ministries of Health, targeted request for information by Direct Relief from short-listed partners with regards to ICU capacity, status as a nationally recognized center of Covid-19 treatment, Covid-19 patient numbers, physical ability to clear and receive the ICU kit given movement and transport restrictions, and all cross-checked with national vulnerability data.

By Region:


Direct Relief Mexico is a registered national NGO operating as a Civil Association since 2014. Direct Relief coordinates with the Mexican Social Security Institute which provides healthcare to over 80 million people. It has agreements with the State Ministries of Coahuila, Morelos, Oaxaca, and Quintana Roo as well as standing donation agreements with 14 local manufacturers that are also seeking to support its Mexico response efforts.

-2,700 goggles, 46,000 surgical masks, and 17,800 face shields to 21 hospitals as part of the Coca Cola Foundation project.

-$791,500 from Coca Cola Foundation to be used to purchase PPE for 120 hospitals.

-1,000 N95 masks sent to Mexico via the Mexican Consulate.

-Facilitated the importation of 100,000 KN95 masks donated to Fundacion IMSS by two-time Academy Award-winning film director Alfonso Cuarón.

-Received in-kind donation of OTC items from Johnson & Johnson.

-Received in-kind donation of Bepanthen (skin cream) from Bayer to be distributed to frontline health workers experiencing skin irritation from PPE.

-350,000 surgical masks distributed to hospitals.

-10,000 Goggles and 30,000 face-shields distributed.

-Established a partnership with PricewaterhouseCoopers to help identify local PPE vendors and to develop a distribution plan for Mexico partners.

-4,275 N95 Masks purchased and delivered to the National Nutrition Institute.

-285,000 surgical masks, 43,750 N95 masks, 22.000 surgical gowns, 13,000 mortuary bags, 10,000 face shields, 4,890 boxes of gloves were purchased to be included as part of the Coca Cola Covid-19 kits. To be delivered the week of 6/15.

-Working directly with Martha Delgado, Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide 1 million level 2 surgical masks.

-Providing $165,000 in funding to transport essential Covid-19 health supplies from China to Mexico.



Direct Relief has longstanding partnerships within most countries of the region. Notably, Direct Relief has a key strategic partnership with the Pan American Health Organization, the division of the World Health Organization overseeing 35 countries in the Americas. PAHO is a specialized international UN health organization for the Americas and supports public health and health emergencies across all the states and territories in North, Central, South America, and Caribbean. As an approved non-state actor, Direct Relief and PAHO hold an official agreement in order to provide donated medical materials to the region and support PAHO’s mandate. Direct Relief works closely with PAHO’s leadership to support the international response to Covid-19 across the region.

ICU kits are being deployed to health authorities in Suriname, a country Direct Relief has only worked in once before, and to Guayana. The requests for the kits came through PAHO’s regional offices, who are working closely with national health authorities.

-ICU kits are in transit to the Dominican Republic and El Salvador.

-60 oxygen concentrators arrived to PAHO’s warehouse in Panama. 30 will stay in Panama, and 30 will be shipped to Costa Rica, two countries struggling to keep ahead of their Covid-19 patient population. This will be the first time Direct Relief has delivered medical aid to Costa Rica.

-100 oxygen concentrators have been shipped to PAHO’s regional offices for distribution to Covid-19 treatment facilities in Colombia, Guatemala and Peru.

-A shipment of essential supplies and medicines arrived in Bogota, Colombia on June 10 for the Ministry of Health of Colombia, targeting health facilities that are caring for Venezuelan migrants residing in the country. Direct Relief’s NGO partner Banco Medicamentos is assisting with the importation and logistics.

46 pallets of general medicines and supplies, seven ICU medicine kits, 90 oxygen concentrators and an Emergency Health Kit arrived Quito, Ecuador for the to the Ministry of Health of Ecuador and to the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security. The 46 pallets (8.8 tons, valued at $2.8 million) will be distributed to four different departments in the country, including Quito and Guayaquil.

-50 oxygen concentrators and 25 Emergency Medical Packs have been delivered to PAHO, Haiti.

-Covid-19 preparedness donations containing Emergency Medical Packs and various PPE items were sent to the following PAHO Member States: Panama, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Paraguay.

– A large shipment containing PPE, Emergency Medical Packs, general medicines and other supplies was delivered to the Ministry of Health of Bolivia.

-783,000 surgical masks delivered to Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Peru. They masks were donated to Direct Relief for distribution to these countries by AstraZeneca.

-ICU kits have been shipped to El Salvador (3), Peru (3), Ecuador (7), and the Dominican Republic (1)

Funds committed:
-Direct Relief has sponsored a charter of $7 million of PPE purchased by PAHO, to be delivered to 35 member states across the Americas. The $1.5 million charter is due to arrive in the region within the next 14 days.

-A $50,000 emergency operations grant was provided to Sinergias Alianzas to purchase of PPE, and development of culturally and linguistically adapted educational materials for Covid-19 prevention for indigenous communities in the Amazon.



Direct Relief has a key strategic partnership with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), which represents 18 Member States, as well as with the Organization of East Caribbean States (OECS), which represents 11 member states. Direct Relief is working closely with and supporting CDEMA and the OECS as they respond to the Covid-19 crisis across 18 Caribbean nations and territories.

-Four Covid-19 ICU kits containing essential intensive care medications for critical Covid-19 patients were sent to Grenada, St Lucia, Dominica, and Antigua & Barbuda.

-Four Covid-19 ICU kits containing essential intensive care medications for critical Covid-19 patients sent to two hospital partners in Haiti.

-Two Covid-19 ICU kits containing essential intensive care medications for critical Covid-19 patients were sent to the Bahamas Ministry of Health that will be distributed to Rand Memorial Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital.

-12 Covid-19 preparedness donations containing Emergency Medical Packs, masks , gloves, gowns, and other PPE items, and oxygen concentrators were sent to 12 Caribbean nations: Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Bahamas, Haiti, and Jamaica.

-48 Emergency Medical Packs sent to the Dominica Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 testing and tracing team.

Funds Committed :
-$50,000 emergency grant to Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) to increase Covid-19 testing capacity. It will be distributed to Saint Lucia, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda.

-$100,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to Health Equity International in Haiti to support the maintenance of health services.

-$100,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to St. Luke’s Foundation to support the purchase of oxygen equipment, PPE, and key accessories for the Covid-19 treatment unit.



Direct Relief has a strategic regional partnership with the ASEAN Coordinating Center for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Center). The AHA Center is the regional disaster management agency for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) which is made up of 10 member nations. Direct Relief has an official memorandum of understanding with the AHA Center and is coordinating with them to support the Covid-19 response in the ASEAN region.

-Five ventilators donated to Philippines General Hospital (PGH) and the Lung Centre of the Philippines (LCP). In partnership with Zuellig Pharma and the Zuellig Family Foundation in the Philippines, Direct Relief facilitated the donation of an additional 6 ventilators and 5 oxygen concentrators to Philippines General Hospital (PGH), the Lung Centre of the Philippines (LCP), and San Lazaro Hospital.

-AHA Center deployed Direct Relief-Funded emergency tents and supplies from their Disaster Emergency Logistics System for ASEAN (DELSA) stockpile in Manila in support of the Philippines Covid-19 response.

Funds Committed:
-$12,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to local partner Bumi Sehat in Indonesia to procure PPE and other supplies to support the continuity of maternal and child health services at their birthing center in Bali.

-$57,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to local partner HFI in the Philippines to enable them to establish four Covid-19 isolation wards south of the capital, Manila.




-48 Midwife Kits to be donated to Health Alliance International (HAI) and the Ministry of Health of Mozambique, in Sofala province, Mozambique.

-The first three shipments of face shields and gloves are being shipped to Liberia (2 pallets), Zimbabwe (15 pallets), Lesotho (2 pallets). The next countries that will receive similar shipments are Malawi, Togo, and Côte d’Ivoire.

-Two Covid-19 preparedness donations containing Emergency Medical Packs, masks, gloves, gowns, other PPE items, and oxygen concentrators were sent to Partners in Health (PIH) in Malawi, and the Association des Diabetiques in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

– PPE gloves sent to Partners in Health in Sierra Leone.

-13 ICU kits shipped out to partners in Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, and Zimbabwe

Funds Committed:

-$20,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to Jericho Road to procure PPE supplies locally in the DRC.

-$5,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to OGRA to combat Covid-19 in health facilities in Kenya.



Direct Relief is working closely with authorities in the Lombardy region of Italy and Catalunya in Spain. Lombardy has been the epicentre of the Coronavirus outbreak in Italy and the regional health supply division supports 42 health facilities across Milan and the region. In Catalunya, Spain, Direct Relief is working with the Barcelona regional government to support hospitals with PPE and oxygen concentrators. In the UK, Direct Relief is supporting the Greater London Authority through the Office of London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

-250,000 isolation gowns to Barcelona, Spain, where they will be placed in hospitals who are still managing Covid-19 cases.

-750,000 KN95 masks to the UK, Spain, and Italy.

-250,000 KN95 masks were recently distributed to 45 London-based organizations managing Covid-19 and homelessness in the city.

-100 Oxygen concentrators, five ICU kits, and other PPE to Italy.

-400 Oxygen concentrators and assorted PPE to Spain

-Three ICU Kits to the Ministry Of Health in Macedonia.



-One Covid-19 preparedness donation containing Emergency Medical Packs, masks, gloves, gowns, and other PPE items, and oxygen concentrators sent to Hope Foundation Bangladesh to support the Rohingya refugee COVID-19 response.

-Two Covid-19 ICU Kits, 20 oxygen concentrators, one ventilator, and assorted PPE to Dhulikhel Hospital in Nepal, which is a government designated Covid-19 testing and treatment center.

-20 Covid-19 ICU Kits and 60 oxygen concentrators will be distributed to all of the public Covid-19 treatment facilities in Nepal. A total of 17 Ministry of Health facilities with ICU capacity.

-Five Covid-19 ICU Kits and 15 oxygen concentrators will be sent to Hope Foundation in Bangladesh, in support of their Covid-19 isolation center at the Rohingya Refugee camp.

-Three Covid-19 ICU Kits and 10 oxygen concentrators will be sent to Afshar Hospital in Kabul, Afghanistan.

-Five Covid-19 ICU Kits and 15 oxygen concentrators will be sent to Meenakshi Research Hospital in Madurai, India.

Funds Committed:
-$40,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to Hope Foundation to support the establishment of a 50-bed COVID-19 isolation center at the Rohingya Refugee camp.

-$16,400 emergency Covid-19 grant to Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital in Pune, India, to procure PPE for their onsite COVID-19 ward.

-$50,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to Dhulikhel Hospital to increase the facility’s ICU capacity for proper Covid-19 management.



-Two Covid-19 preparedness donations containing Emergency Medical Packs, masks, gloves, gowns, and other PPE items, and oxygen concentrators sent to ANERA in Lebanon.

-Three Covid-19 ICU Kits and assorted PPE to the Ministry of Health of Armenia.

-20 Covid-19 ICU Kits, 150 oxygen concentrators, and 5 ventilators will be flown into Aden, Yemen via the World Food Programme Logistics Cluster. With support from Direct Relief partner Yemen Aid, these emergency supplies will be delivered to Covid-19 treatment centers in Aden, Taiz, Lahij, and Abyan.

-Five Covid-19 ICU Kits and 15 oxygen concentrators to the Independent Doctors Association in Syria.

-Three Covid-19 Kits and 9 oxygen concentrators to Rafik Hospital in Beirut, Lebanon.


June 28 – Photographer and National Geographic Explorer David Guttenfelder, along with dozens of his colleagues, are selling prints in concert with The Photo Society and Campaign Zero to benefit Direct Relief. Today is the last day:



June 27 – An update from the Pan American Health Organization on their response to the pandemic in Latin America:

“The Pan American Health Organization delivered 40 oxygen concentrators to the Ministry of Health, through Command COVID-19, for distribution in health facilities that provide care for the indigenous population of the triple border with Colombia and Brazil.

[“La Organización Panamericana de la Salud entregó 40 concentradores de oxígeno al Ministerio de Salud, a través del Comando COVID-19, para su distribución en establecimientos de salud que brindan atención población indígena de la triple frontera con Colombia y Brasil.”]

“This important donation was made possible thanks to the support of Direct Relief, which delivered the goods valued at $40,000, through PAHO…

[“Esta importante donación se hizo posible gracias al apoyo de Direct Relief que entregó los bienes valorizados en 40 mil dólares…”]

Read the full update here (in Spanish):
OPS dona 40 concentradores de oxígeno para proteger a la población indígena de Loreto, Junín y Ucayali


James “Murr” Murray and (Impractical) Jokers are running a charity sweepstakes for an autographed cornhole set, with proceeds to benefit Direct Relief:


June 26 – Current U.S. totals for Covid-19 relief, as of 4:47 p.m. U.S. Pacific Time:

13,181 shipments sent to 2,244 recipients valued at $124.1 million.


Staff Journalist Talya Meyers with a report on how the Bahamas are working to combat the virus despite still recovering from a devastating hurricane:
Covid-19 Stymied Recovery in the Bahamas. Now, Things Are Opening Again.

A damaged boat in Marsh Harbor, on the island of Great Abaco. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Jim Hull)
A damaged boat in Marsh Harbor, on the island of Great Abaco. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Jim Hull)


One of the latest Direct Relief Covid-19 grantees:

Escalon Times coverage of a grantee, Community Medical Centers, in Escalon, Calif.
Community Medical Centers Receives Emergency Grant


June 25 – Direct Relief’s VP of Research and Analysis Andrew Schroeder on his findings from looking at virus transmission data and Facebook-provided mobility data. Those data have been plotted by Direct Relief’s research and analysis team on an ArcGIS app, which can accessed here.

“Every state in the southern US is currently at Rt of 1 or above – meaning ALL of them are at some level of epidemic spread. The worst right now are actually Nevada, Oklahoma, Florida, South Carolina and Arizona. But every one is spreading at epidemic rates.

“The key obviously is to keep R_0 (which refers to how many people an average sick person will infect below 1, which means that the virus is at non-epidemic state.

“Note that Rt has been below 1 in these states during only one period of time, and that period of time coincides almost perfectly with the period of most significant decrease in the average mobility rate for these states which extends from mid-March until the end of April. Beginning in the first week of May, mobility began to increase steadily throughout the southern US, and lo and behold the Rt moved back above 1 throughout the region.”


June 24 – An update on Direct Relief’s charitable shipments of oxygen concentrators: Since January 27, Direct Relief has delivered 1,883 oxygen concentrators to 46 recipients in 29 countries. These recipients include national ministries of health and multilaterals like PAHO, which has distributed them to its member countries across the Americas.

Direct Relief currently has 960 concentrators and oxygen tanks available, with another 136 set for arrival in the next several weeks. Direct Relief is joined in the effort to provide oxygen concentrators by groups such as UNICEF which, according to a New York Times report, has ordered about 16,000 concentrators for about 90 countries, and has been able to deliver 700 units to date.


Using Facebook data, Direct Relief’s VP of Research and Analysis Andrew Schroeder and his team created an ArcGIS map focused on international travel over the past few months. Here are some of the patterns Schroeder found, along with when  international travel might return to pre-pandemic levels, given current trends:

“Super interesting– you can see international travel just fall off a cliff in a couple of big waves during March – bottom out by mid-April– and then climb pretty steadily upwards in linear fashion through yesterday– where total travelers counted is at a little more than half the peak back at the start of this period. If you follow the rate of increase out, again in what appears to be a linear rate of increase, you get to a full recovery of international travel probably by the end of August– which seems… fast… all things considered.”

To explore the international travel ArcGIS app, click the image below or here.



June 23 – As of 11:38 a.m. U.S. Pacific Time, Direct Relief has made 12,515 Covid-19 support deliveries to 2,206 partners in the United States. The value of these shipments is $97.31 million.


A selection of the latest PPE donation recipients during this pandemic:


June 22 – The latest podcast episode from Staff Journalist Amarica Rafanelli:

Racial Health Inequities Persist. Here’s How Two Minneapolis Providers are Bridging the Gap.

A healthcare provider administers a coronavirus test at Southside Community Health Services in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Photo courtesy of Southside Community Health Services)
A healthcare provider administers a coronavirus test at Southside Community Health Services in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Photo courtesy of Southside Community Health Services)


June 21 – An update on Direct Relief’s international (non-U.S) response follows. All figures listed are cumulative totals since January 30, 2020, the date when Covid-19 was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by the WHO. Update and numbers do not include U.S data.


41 emergency Covid-19 shipments to partners in 20 countries valued at $4.2 million

Updates since the June 15 comprehensive update:

-100 oxygen concentrators have been shipped to PAHO’s regional offices for distribution to Covid-19 treatment facilities in Colombia, Guatemala and Peru.



14 emergency Covid-19 shipments have been sent to 11 partners in 10 countries valued at $818,119. $1,000,025 granted to three partners across 3 countries.

Updates since the June 15 comprehensive update:

As a part of the developing $100 million project with Community Health Workers program in Africa, for which Direct Relief has committed to being the purchaser and transporter of all supplies, Direct Relief has purchased 25 million masks at $0.25 each, to be distributed in Liberia, Sierra Leon, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Lesotho.

Direct Relief and the World Food Program are working together on narrowing down options for transportation and delivery into the region.



Two emergency Covid-19 shipment to two partners in two countries valued at $130,500. $56,400 granted to two partners in two countries.

Updates since the June 15 comprehensive update:

-Two Covid-19 ICU Kits, 20 oxygen concentrators, one ventilator, and assorted PPE to Dhulikhel Hospital in Nepal, a government-designated Covid-19 testing and treatment center.


Three emergency Covid-19 shipments to three partners in three countries valued at $198,946.

Updates since the June 15 comprehensive update:

Three Covid-19 ICU Kits and assorted PPE to the Ministry of Health of Armenia.


HiDEF is running AOEFest (“Area of Effect”), an interactive digital festival to bring together the virtual community with top brands, celebrities, gamers, and influencers across music, film, gaming, and culture. The event will run until June 27.


June 20 –

Here are a selection of Direct Relief’s original videos made during this pandemic:


June 19-  Direct Relief’s latest coverage of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen:

“‘There is… a real challenge around simply trying to survive” without the added threat of the coronavirus, said Aidan O’Leary,’ head of the Yemen office for the United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, or OCHA.”

Read the full story here:
“One Hand Tied Behind Your Back.” Providing Aid to Yemen as Coronavirus Spreads Quietly

Yemeni health care workers gather around a computer. (Photo courtesy of the Embassy of the Republic of Yemen)
Yemeni health care workers gather around a computer. (Photo courtesy of the Embassy of the Republic of Yemen)


A selection of Direct Relief’s Covid-19 grantees and donation partners:


Happening tomorrow:
HiDEF is launching AOEFest (“Area of Effect”), an interactive digital festival to bring together the virtual community with top brands, celebrities, gamers, and influencers across music, film, gaming, and culture. The event will run from June 20 until June 27.


June 18 –  The latest original reporting from Direct Relief is an interview with the Ecuadorian Ambassador to the United States on how the pandemic has played out in Ecuador:
Covid-19 in Ecuador: An Exclusive Q&A with Ecuador’s Ambassador to the U.S.

Staff of the Ecuadorian custom facilities disinfecting the donated shipment from Direct Relief, which arrived to the county on June 4, 2020 to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 emergency in Ecuador. (Isadora Romero for Direct Relief)
Staff of the Ecuadorian custom facilities disinfecting the donated shipment from Direct Relief, which arrived to the county on June 4, 2020 to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 emergency in Ecuador. (Isadora Romero for Direct Relief)


A selection of Direct Relief’s Covid-19 grantees:


June 17 – Direct Relief’s latest original reporting from Staff Journalist Talya Meyers focuses on India, where health care providers and aid organizations are working to combat the pandemic while responding to damage caused by a pair of cyclones:
One Pandemic, Two Cyclones: In India, Aid Groups Respond Amid the Damage


A selection of community health centers who have received Direct Relief’s Covid-19 grants:


People assess the damage caused by Cyclone Amphan. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Ravikant Singh)
People assess the damage caused by Cyclone Amphan. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Ravikant Singh)

June 16 –  Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, Direct Relief sent 49 Emergency Medical Packs to Dominica so as to equip all of the community health centers on the island. Many of the clinics are remote and vulnerable to being cutoff during storms and landslides. With PPE included in each pack, they are being deployed as health care providers treat Covid-19.

Before the Covid outbreak we sent 49 Emergency Backpacks to Dominica to equip all of the community health centers on the island, many of which are remote and vulnerable to being cutoff during storms and landslides. With PPE included in each pack, they were a welcomed addition to the HC’s as they deal with Covid on the island. (Courtesy Photo)
Health care providers in Dominica with a Direct Relief Emergency Medical Pack in June 2020. (Courtesy Photo)
Before the Covid outbreak we sent 49 Emergency Backpacks to Dominica to equip all of the community health centers on the island, many of which are remote and vulnerable to being cutoff during storms and landslides. With PPE included in each pack, they were a welcomed addition to the HC’s as they deal with Covid on the island. (Courtesy Photo)
Health care providers in Dominica examine an Emergency Medical Pack. (Courtesy Photo)


The latest Direct Relief original reporting, by Staff Journalist Amarica Rafanelli:
Dominica Nearly Eradicated Covid-19. Hurricane Season Could Change That.


Direct Relief’s VP of Research and Analysis Andrew Schroeder contributed to a UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network report on large scale private data agreements for public good:

He was also interviewed by Tech Target about Direct Relief, logistics management, Qlik and Covid-19:


Gamers Without Borders concluded their online gaming tournament series and reported over 1 billion social media impressions and $1,190,000 raised to benefit Direct Relief’s Covid-19 response.


A selection of health care centers that have received Direct Relief Covid-19 grants:


June 15 – An update on Direct Relief’s international (non-U.S) response follows. All figures listed are cumulative totals since January 30, 2020:

Shipments (Global, non-U.S):
-99 Covid-19 shipments with a combined value of $21 million

-285 total shipments, including regular support shipments, with a combined value of $187.9 million

Partners Supported:
-70 Covid-19 support partners across 34 countries

-184 total recipients including regular support partners across 70 countries

Covid-19 Medical Materials Donated:
-Total PPE and Medical Supplies: $4.2 million

-Includes 2.2 million masks, 1.4 million gloves, 33,031 gowns & coveralls, and 488,242 other PPE supplies, 31 ICU kits, 1,111 oxygen concentrators, 544 diagnostics, 11 ventilators, and 53 tents

Funds Granted:
-Total Grants: $510,220 total emergency Covid-19 grants awarded to 12 partners across 17 countries

Direct Relief has commenced dispatching 116 ICU kits containing intensive care medications, as well as ventilators, oxygen concentrators, and PPE to 32 partners in 27 countries across Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and south-eastern Europe.

Given that the needs of our partner network far exceed our ability to supply, these partners and countries have been carefully selected based on the following: knowledge of the existing partners and network, direct requests for help from individual partners and Ministries of Health, targeted request for information by Direct Relief from short-listed partners with regards to ICU capacity, status as a nationally recognized center of Covid-19 treatment, Covid-19 patient numbers, physical ability to clear and receive the ICU kit given movement and transport restrictions, and all cross-checked with national vulnerability data.

By Region:


28 emergency Covid-19 shipments to partners in 17 countries valued at $3.8 million.

Direct Relief has a key strategic partnership with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO, the division of the World Health Organization overseeing 35 countries in the Americas). PAHO is a specialized international UN health organization for the Americas and supports public health and health emergencies across all the states and territories in North, Central, South America, and Caribbean.

Direct Relief signed an official memorandum of understanding with PAHO in order to support its mandate and is now working closely with PAHO’s leadership to support the international response to Covid-19 across the region.

-A shipment of essential supplies and medicines has arrived in Bogota, Colombia on Wednesday, June 10th, for the Ministry of Health of Colombia, targeting health facilities that are caring for Venezuelan migrants residing in the country. Direct Relief’s NGO partner Banco Medicamentos is assisting with the importation and logistics. The request for this migrant-targeted aid first came to us by way of the Clinton Foundation.

-46 pallets of general medicines and supplies, seven ICU medicine kits, 90 oxygen concentrators and an Emergency Health Kit have arrived in Quito, Ecuador, for the Ministry of Health of Ecuador and to the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security, a country with some of the highest confirmed cases and death rate in Latin America. The 46 pallets (8.8 tons, valued at $2.8 million) will be distributed to four different departments in the country, including Quito and Guayaquil, the two largest cities in the country and also the highest risk and confirmed case counts. A reception ceremony for the goods was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Defense, the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security, and four mayors from recipient municipalities. USA Ambassador to Ecuador, Michael Fitzpatrick, was also in attendance.

-50 oxygen concentrators and 25 Emergency Medical Packs have been delivered to PAHO, Haiti where health officials are navigating a humanitarian crisis due to Covid-19 and serious civil unrest.

-Covid-19 preparedness donations containing Emergency Medical Packs and various PPE items sent to the following PAHO Member States: Panama, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Paraguay.

-A large shipment containing PPE, Emergency Medical Packs, general medicines and other supplies was delivered to the Ministry of Health of Bolivia, where the nation is facing multiple health emergencies, most importantly Covid-19 and a dengue outbreak.

-783,000 surgical masks delivered to Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Peru. The masks were donated to Direct Relief for distribution to these countries by AstraZeneca.

-ICU kits have been shipped to El Salvador, Peru, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic

-100 Oxygen Concentrators have been shipped to PAHO’s regional offices for distribution to Covid-19 treatment facilities in Colombia, Guatemala and Peru.

Funds committed:
-Direct Relief has sponsored a charter of $7 million of PPE purchased by PAHO, to be delivered to 35 member states across the Americas. The $1.5 million charter is due to arrive in the region within the next 14 days.

-A $50,000 emergency operations grant was provided to Sinergias Alianzas to purchase of PPE, and development of culturally and linguistically adapted educational materials for Covid-19 prevention for indigenous communities in the Amazon.



14 emergency Covid-19 shipments to 11 partners valued at $584,786. $150,000 granted to two partners across eight countries.

Direct Relief has a key strategic partnership with the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), which represents 18 Member States, as well as with the Organization of East Caribbean States (OECS), which represents 11 Member States. Direct Relief is working closely with and supporting CDEMA and the OECS as they respond to the Covid-19 crisis across 18 Caribbean nations and territories.

-Four Covid-19 ICU kits containing essential intensive care medications for critical Covid-19 patients sent to the four most vulnerable OECS Member States: Grenada, St Lucia, Dominica, and Antigua & Barbuda.

Four Covid-19 ICU kits containing essential intensive care medications for critical Covid-19 patients sent to two hospital partners in Haiti, one of the most medically vulnerable countries in the Western Hemisphere.

-12 Covid-19 preparedness donations containing Emergency Medical Packs, masks, gloves, gowns, and other PPE items, and oxygen concentrators sent to 12 Caribbean nations: Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Bahamas, Haiti, and Jamaica.

48 Emergency Medical Packs used to outfit the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 testing and tracing team in Dominica.

Funds Committed:
$50,000 emergency grant to Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) to increase Covid-19 testing capacity. To be distributed to Saint Lucia, Grenada, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda.

-$100,000 emergency COVID-19 grant to Health Equity International in Haiti to support the maintenance of health services.



One emergency Covid-19 shipment to two partners in one country valued at $110,000. $69,000 granted to two partners.

Direct Relief has a strategic regional partnership with the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Center). The AHA Center is the regional disaster management agency for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) which is made up of 10 member nations. Direct Relief has an official memorandum of understanding with the AHA Center and is coordinating with them to support the Covid-19 response in the ASEAN region.

– Five ventilators donated to Philippines General Hospital and the Lung Center of the Philippines. In partnership with Zuellig Pharma and the Zuellig Family Foundation in the Philippines, Direct Relief facilitated the donation of an additional six ventilators and five oxygen concentrators to Philippines General Hospital, the Lung Center of the Philippines, and San Lazaro Hospital.

-AHA Center deployed Direct Relief-funded emergency tents and supplies from their Disaster Emergency Logistics System for ASEAN (DELSA) stockpile in Manila in support of the Philippines Covid-19 response.

Funds Committed:
-$12,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to local partner Bumi Sehat in Indonesia to procure PPE and other supplies to support the continuity of MCH services at their birthing centre in Bali.

-$57,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to local partner HFI in the Philippines to enable them to establish four Covid-19 isolation wards south of the capital, Manila.



10 emergency Covid-19 shipments to eight partners in eight countries valued at $152,360. $1,000,025 granted to three partners across three countries.

Direct Relief is working on the Covid Community Health PPE Fund for Africa, a collaborative effort with the Community Health Impact Coalition (CHIC), and the Pandemic Action Network, to aggregate and address the unmet need for Covid-related supplies for health workers, specifically targeting needs of community health workers across 24 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

Direct Relief is also supporting the South African Solidarity Fund with $1,000,000 and acting as a fiscal agent for this fund for donations coming in from the U.S.

-48 Midwife Kits to be donated to Health Alliance International (HAI) and the Ministry of Health of Mozambique, in Sofala province, Mozambique.

-Two Covid-19 preparedness donations containing Emergency Medical Packs, masks, gloves, gowns, and other PPE items, and oxygen concentrators sent to Partners in Health (PIH) in Malawi, and the Association des Diabetiques in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

-PPE Gloves sent to Partners in Health in Sierra Leone.

Funds Committed:
-$1,000,000 to be donated to the South Africa Solidarity Fund.

-$20,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to Jericho Road to procure PPE supplies locally in DRC.

-$5,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to the OGRA Foundation to combat Covid-19 in health facilities in Kenya.



Nine emergency Covid-19 shipments to four partners in four countries valued at $3,195,116.

Direct Relief is working closely with authorities in the Lombardy region of Italy and Catalunya in Spain. Lombardy has been the epicenter of the Coronavirus outbreak in Italy and the regional health supply division supports 42 health facilities across Milan and the region. In Catalunya, Spain, Direct Relief is working with the Barcelona regional government to support hospitals with PPE and oxygen concentrators. In the UK, Direct Relief is supporting the Greater London Authority through the Office of London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

-750,000 KN95 masks to the UK, Spain, and Italy.

-250,000 KN95 masks were recently distributed to 45 London-based organizations managing Covid-19 and homelessness in the city.

-100 Oxygen concentrators, five ICU kits, and other PPE to Italy.

-400 Oxygen concentrators and assorted PPE to Spain

-Three ICU Kits to Ministry of Health in Macedonia.



One emergency Covid-19 shipment to one partner in one country valued at $9,042. $56,400 granted to two partners in two countries.

-One Covid-19 preparedness donation containing Emergency Medical Packs, masks, gloves, gowns, and other PPE items, and oxygen concentrators sent to Hope Foundation Bangladesh to support the Rohingya refugee Covid-19 response.

Funds Committed:
-$40,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to Hope Foundation to support the establishment of a 50 bed Covid-19 isolation center at the Rohingya Refugee camp.

-$16,400 emergency Covid-19 grant to Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital in Pune, India, to procure PPE for their onsite COVID-19 ward.

-$50,000 emergency Covid-19 grant to Dhulikhel Hospital to increase the facility’s ICU capacity for proper Covid management.


No updates since June 5 to the MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA and MEXICO responses.


A selection of photos from Direct Relief’s delivery of requested medical supplies to the Navajo Nation last month:

Fort Defiance Indian Health Board/Tsehootsooie ( The person to my right is NN Deputy Attorney General, Kimberly Dutcher, Esq., and the person to Chris’ left is Alycia’s counterpart, Ray Cope, PharmD, Chief of Pharmacy at FDIHB/Tsehootsooi Medical Center
At Fort Defiance Indian Health Board/Tsehootsooie:  (second from left) Navajo Nation Deputy Attorney General Kimberly Dutcher, Direct Relief Compliance Counsel Brent Baldwin, Direct Relief Emergency Response Specialist Chris Alleway and Chief of Pharmacy at FDIHB/Tsehootsooi Medical Center Ray Cope.
Direct Relief staff deliver requested medical aid to health facilities in the Navajo Nation as part of the Covid-19 response in May, 2020. (Brent Baldwin/Direct Relief)
Direct Relief staff deliver requested medical aid to health facilities in the Navajo Nation as part of the Covid-19 response in May 2020. (Brent Baldwin/Direct Relief)
Direct Relief staff deliver requested medical aid to health facilities in the Navajo Nation as part of the Covid-19 response in May, 2020. (Brent Baldwin/Direct Relief)
Direct Relief staff deliver requested medical aid to health facilities in the Navajo Nation as part of the Covid-19 response in May 2020. (Brent Baldwin/Direct Relief)


June 14 – Andrew Schroeder, VP of Research and Analysis at Direct Relief, on his findings from the latest Covid-19 data:

“Over the past three days, Monroe and its neighboring county, Conecuh, have seen a rolling average case growth rate of over 10%, which places them in the highest growth areas of the country.”

And some of the reasons why those areas are especially at-risk:

“What is most alarming is the intersection here between coronavirus infection dynamics, risk factors in the population, and the relative lack of essential health infrastructure.”

Read the full story here:
Covid-19’s Second Wave in the U.S. is Reaching Rural Areas Like Monroe, Alabama

Over the past three days, Monroe and its neighboring county, Conecuh, have seen a rolling average case growth rate of over 10%, which places them in the highest growth areas of the country.
Over the past three days, Monroe and its neighboring county, Conecuh, have seen a rolling average case growth rate of over 10%, which places them in the highest growth areas of the country.


Happening Today:
The Drone Racing League will continue its eight-race 2020 FanDuel DRL SIM Racing Cup at 10 a.m. PST on NBC Sports Network and Twitter.


June 13 –  A shipment of supplies arrived in Italy yesterday as part of Direct Relief’s response to Covid-19 in Europe. To date, donations to Italy have included 100 Oxygen concentrators, 5 ICU kits, infared thermometers, hundreds of thousands of KN95 masks, and other PPE.

Supplies for Covid-19 treatment, including infrared thermometers (pictured) arriving arrive in Milan, for distribution to hospitals throughout the Lombardy region. (Courtesy photo)
A worker at the Regione Lombardia AREU in Milan, receiving donated supplies for Covid-19 treatment, including infrared thermometers (pictured) on June 12, 2020. The goods will be distributed to hospitals throughout the Lombardy region. (Courtesy photo)


Happening Today:
AbductedByThe80s.com will be conducting Back to the Basement, an online concert to benefit Direct Relief, featuring bands from the 80’s like A Flock Of Seagulls, Wang Chung, Naked Eyes, Cutting Crew, The Escape Club, The Vapors, Nu Shooz, Tiffany, and more. The event will be on Facebook Live starting at 11 a.m. PST.


June 12 –  Direct Relief’s U.S. Covid-19 response update:

-2,151 recipients

-12,000 shipments

-$88.59 million total value

In addition to community health centers, Direct Relief is continuing to support farmworkers associations and workers’ rights groups with shipments of masks, including in California, Arkansas, and Vermont.

Direct Relief is also continuing to support Tribal Nations, including the Navajo Nation’s Gallup Indian Medical Center and Northern Navajo Medical Center in New Mexico as well as the Pueblo of Pojoaque in New Mexico.

Other organizations receiving PPE and/or supplies are medical and rehabilitation centers, and fire departments in Florida, South Carolina, California, Massachusetts, Texas, and New York.

The first 20 of 45 shipments left this week for partners in communities with protests. These shipments include PPE, supplies, and Emergency Medical Packs.  Full coverage of those shipments can be found at KCLU:
South Coast Relief Agency Sending Supplies To Communities In Need Following Racial Justice Protests


A shipment of essential supplies and medicines requested by the Ministry of Health of Colombia arrived in Bogotá last night. The supplies are for health facilities that are caring for Venezuelan migrants residing in the country.

Direct Relief’s NGO partner Banco Medicamentos is assisting with the importation and logistics. The request for this migrant-targeted aid first came to us by way of the Clinton Foundation.


Upcoming Events:
6/13– AbductedByThe80s.com will be conducting Back to the Basement, an online concert to benefit Direct Relief, featuring bands from the 80’s like A Flock Of Seagulls, Wang Chung, Naked Eyes, Cutting Crew, The Escape Club, The Vapors, Nu Shooz, Tiffany, and more. The event will be on Facebook Live starting at 11 a.m. PST and will be available afterwards via YouTube.

6/14– The Drone Racing League will continue its eight-race 2020 FanDuel DRL SIM Racing Cup this Sunday, June 14 at 10 a.m. PST on NBC Sports Network and Twitter.

6/20 to 6/27- HiDEF is launching AOEFest (“Area of Effect”), an interactive digital festival to bring together the virtual community with top brands, celebrities, gamers and influencers across music, film, gaming, and culture.

7/10– “Funk Corona” concert at 5 p.m. PST by Morris Day to benefit Direct Relief.


A selection of health centers that have received Direct Relief’s Covid-19 grants:


June 11 – Direct Relief’s newest video coverage, about a farm working couple who caught Covid-19, and the community health center that helped them, and their family, get through it:

Full coverage here:
A Health Center Steps Up for California Farmworkers During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dr. Olga Meave checks Ramon Siordia's blood pressure. (Photo by Will Jobe for Direct Relief)
Dr. Olga Meave checks Ramon Siordia’s blood pressure. (Photo by Will Jobe for Direct Relief)


June 10 – Today in Stat News, a Q&A with Direct Relief’s VP of Research and Analysis Andrew Schroeder about the Covid-19 Mobility Data Network, which he co-founded, and how Direct Relief, Facebook’s Data for Good team, and epidemiologists are working to learn more about the degree to which people are social distancing:

“We’ve seen a pretty clear correlation between accelerated timelines to reopen in specific areas and changes in case count” Schroeder said.

Read the full story here:
Can location data capture how well the Covid-19 response is working? A joint effort aims to find out


The latest original coverage on Puerto Rico from Direct Relief, by Talya Meyers:

Living outside or in cramped conditions was concerning enough during the pandemic, Rodriguez-Wiewall said. “But now hurricane season is starting,” she pointed out. “They cannot be inside their house. They cannot be outside their house. These people are not safe.”

Neither Inside or Out: A Puerto Rican Neighborhood Devastated by Earthquakes Confronts Covid-19

A house in La Luna destroyed by earthquakes. (Ana Umpierre/Direct Relief)
A house in La Luna destroyed by earthquakes. (Ana Umpierre/Direct Relief)


An update from North Macedonia, by Regional Advisor Katerina Takovska:

A donation of 50 of Direct Relief’s Emergency Medical Packs, delivered in February of this year, is supporting the work of emergency services throughout the country. The donated backpacks replaced bags that were, in some cases, over two decades old bags.

Since the way emergency services operate needed to change due to Covid-19 crisis, some of the content of the backpacks is now being used by the home-based care units when responding to the needs of chronic disease patients.

Dr. Viktor Isajnovski, director of the Primary Health Care Services for Skopje, including emergency and home-based care, emphasized the increased importance of the donation during the pandemic.

Through the support of the Primary Health Care Center, and all its associated services, Direct Relief reaches almost to every segment of the population of Macedonia.


More recipients of Direct Relief’s Covid-19 grants:


June 9 – An update on Direct Relief’s global (non-U.S.) response:

-60 Covid-19 shipments with a combined value of $6.8M.

-263 total shipments, including regular support shipments, with a combined value of $182.4 million.

Partners Supported:
-95 Covid-19 support partners across 34 countries.

-173 total recipients, including regular support partners, across 76 countries.

Covid-19 Medical Materials Donated:
-Total PPE and medical supplies valued at 3.2 million

-1.4 million masks, 1.3 million gloves, 36,316 gowns and coveralls, 480,595 other PPE supplies.

-19 ICU kits, 925 oxygen concentrators, 64 diagnostics, and 53 tents

Funds Granted:
-$303,220 total emergency Covid-19 grants awarded to nine partners across 15 countries

Medical supplies are offloaded from a charter flight and loaded onto trucks for distribution across Ecuador in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. (Photo by Isadora Romero for Direct Relief)
Medical supplies are offloaded from a charter flight and loaded onto trucks for distribution across Ecuador in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. (Photo by Isadora Romero for Direct Relief)


A shipment of PPE (Gloves, N95s, masks, coveralls, sanitizer) is being sent today to the Pojoaque Pueblo tribe in Santa Fe, NM.


June 8  – Facebook, Stamen Design, and Direct Relief created a data visualization tool to analyze mobility data during the pandemic.

Data 14 countries are currently available, with data from another 103 countries planned to be added soon. Check it out by clicking the map below or here:


June 7 –  An Update from Direct Relief’s Director of Emergency Response Leighton Jones:

Direct Relief is in communication with state Primary Care Associations from the following states to assess any needs that partners may have following the civil unrest occurring across the country: New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Tennessee, Minnesota, Texas, Oregon, Washington, and California.

Dozens of shipments are currently bring processed, and will include Emergency Medical Packs, hand sanitizer, goggles and masks. The deliveries are scheduled to leave the warehouse early next week.


June 6 – The ATX TV Festival continues today, with proceeds going to Direct Relief and the Actor’s Fund. Check it out here:


The latest original reporting from Direct Relief on the pandemic:
Nurses Working in Underserved Communities Find a New Way to Bridge the Gap

Health workers staff a mobile Covid-19 testing site in historically black neighborhoods in Seminole County, Florida, in April, 2020, to help residents who are not only especially vulnerable to coronavirus, but who cannot drive to a health clinic or may be unable to afford health insurance. Groups like the National Black Nurses Association represent nurses who are on the frontlines of providing that care. (Photo by Paul Hennessy/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
Health workers staff a mobile Covid-19 testing site in historically black neighborhoods in Seminole County, Florida, in April, 2020, to help residents who are not only especially vulnerable to coronavirus, but who cannot drive to a health clinic or may be unable to afford health insurance. Groups like the National Black Nurses Association represent nurses who are on the frontlines of providing that care. (Photo by Paul Hennessy/NurPhoto via Getty Images)


June 5 –  Latest Direct Relief Covid-19 U.S. response totals:

11,441 deliveries to 2,056 partners, valued at $82.47 million and totaling 1.28 million pounds.


The ATX TV Festival starts today, and will benefit Direct Relief’s Covid-19 response as well as the Actor’s Fund. Panels and guests today are presented by HBO, National Geographic, The CW, and the Television Academy. Matthew McConaughey opened the fest, which will also feature original videos from Direct Relief.

The festival continues throughout Sunday. Check out today’s stream here:


June 4 –  Direct Relief has released a new video update from Puerto Rico:


Direct Relief’s shipment to Ecuador has arrived:


A photo update from Nepal, where cases have been steadily rising and currently total at least 2,600 confirmed cases:

A Covid-19 testing booth set up at the newly constructed and Direct Relief-funded Balara Health Center in southern Nepal. Cases are steadily rising in Nepal, especially in the south as Nepalese migrant workers cross the border from India.(Photo Courtesy of Pramesh Koju/ Dhulikhel Hospital)
A Covid-19 testing booth set up at the newly constructed and Direct Relief-funded Balara Health Center in southern Nepal. Cases are steadily rising in Nepal, especially in the south as Nepalese migrant workers cross the border from India.(Photo Courtesy of Pramesh Koju/ Dhulikhel Hospital)


In partnership with Coca Cola foundation, Direct Relief Mexico delivered PPE (masks, gloves, surgical masks, face shields and goggles) to 21 government hospitals today, with plans to support more than 90 hospitals by June 15 as part of the largest donation of PPE in the country.


Coverage from the National Association of Community Health Centers about how Direct Relief works to support their member clinics throughout the United States:
We Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends


Happening Tomorrow:
ATX TV…from the Couch!, a virtual television festival, will feature three days of celebrating TV from panels, sneak peeks, intimate conversations, special events, surprise guests, and more. It will promote Direct Relief and the Actors Guild as charities to support.

Opening day events are being presented by HBO, the Television Academy, National Geographic and The CW.

Find out more here:


June 3 –


Covid-19 is impacting countries around the world. How does Direct Relief assesses where to send aid? Find out here:
Deciding How – and Where – to Send Supplies During Covid-19

Direct Relief's Research and Analysis team has mapped countries across the world for Covid-19 vulnerability, which includes prevalence of chronic disease, HIV, and tuberculosis, number of hospital beds, rates of food insecurity, and case count totals. Countries in darker shades are at higher risk. (Direct Relief)
Direct Relief’s Research and Analysis team has mapped countries across the world for Covid-19 vulnerability, which includes prevalence of chronic disease, HIV, and tuberculosis, number of hospital beds, rates of food insecurity, and case count totals. Countries in darker shades are at higher risk. (Direct Relief)


Some of the latest recipients of Direct Relief’s Covid-19 grants:


June 2 – The largest Direct Relief Covid-19 support shipment so far to South America left Direct Relief’s Santa Barbara warehouse today, en route to Miami and due to arrive in Quito, Ecuador.

Read more about the situation in Ecuador here:
Covid-19 Supplies Deployed to Ecuador as Cases Rise Throughout the Americas


June 1 – A special update from Direct Relief’s Director of Emergency Response Leighton Jones:

After the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, cities across the United States have experienced consecutive days and nights of large scale protests and unrest. To assess partner needs, the emergency response team has already communicated with state Primary Care Associations in 10 states. They will continue to update Direct Relief on emerging needs as the week progresses.

We are hearing of health center service delivery being disrupted by unrest and/or curfews with closures and reduced hours. We have also heard of some partner clinic facilities sustaining some damage. Some health center partners have also been seeing access needs for food and medications as local stores are either destroyed or closed due to the unrest and public transport has been suspended.

Partners are expressing that there are seeing, or expect to see, significant mental health issues in the communities they serve.

There are also concerns there will be an in increased spread of Covid-19 as crowds gather to protest.

Direct Relief will respond to needs from our partners as they are learned and communicated to us.


The final episode of Whiskey Sour Happy Hour hosted by Ed Helms, is on today at 5 p.m. Pacific time.

Proceeds raised will go to help support Direct Relief and MusiCares.

Guests for this episode include Valerie June, Chris Eldridge, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Molly Tuttle, Langhorne Slim, Béla Fleck & Abigail Washburn, Indigo Girls, Chris Thile, Mandy Moore and Taylor Goldsmith, Matt Diffee, Rosanne Cash and John Leventhal, Stephen Colbert, and more.

Watch it here:


Coronavirus Response: Live Stories by Month –




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