In Brief
During the Covid-19 pandemic, every aspect of Direct Relief’s organizational capacity was devoted to the coronavirus response.
The organization leveraged its global distribution infrastructure and financial resources to aid in the response.
Direct Relief provided and continues to provide emergency medical resources—vaccines, antibody therapies, PPE, medical-grade oxygen, and other critical items—to medical facilities across the U.S. and world.
Expanding Covid-19 Vaccine Access:
As a registered charity in both the United States and Mexico, Direct Relief is uniquely able to arrange the cross-border donation of cold chain medications.
The organization has commercial-grade licensing and infrastructure for pharmaceutical distribution and is able to safely and effectively transport medications that must be refrigerated or kept frozen. In addition, Direct Relief’s logistics partnerships and expertise in customs clearance make it ideally suited for this kind of support.
Direct Relief has facilitated the delivery and storage of millions of vaccine doses around the world, including in the U.S., Mexico, Belize, Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, and Paraguay.
Increasing Global Cold Chain Capacity:
The main barrier to rolling out the Covid-19 vaccine across low- and middle-income countries is not a supply issue but a supply chain issue. In many areas, a lack of cold chain infrastructure is the main barrier to accessing Covid-19 vaccines and other temperature-controlled medications.
Direct Relief is building and strengthening the cold chain capacity of healthcare partners across multiple countries through the provision of cold chain technology, training, systems mapping, and stable power generation.
Increasing Medical-Grade Oxygen Availability:
Direct Relief has learned, given its work with partners organizations during the pandemic, that there is a lack of medical grade oxygen surge capacity in hospitals globally as well as a widespread chronic undersupply of oxygen in hospitals in developing countries.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, this chronic problem became an acute crisis, and it was felt most painfully in resource-poor countries where hospitals contended with supply constraints well before the pandemic. To address this critical healthcare gap, Direct Relief delivered and continues to deliver medical oxygen devices & equipment and provide funding for the building and refurbishing of oxygen generation plants at health facilities across low- and middle-income countries.
Deploying PPE to Safeguard Health Workers:
When the virus broke out in January 2020, Direct Relief was one of the few non-profits prepared to make a substantial and immediate impact on the crisis with a large supply of PPE and critical care medications that it distributed to safety-net health centers and clinics, hospitals and public health agencies around the U.S. and globally.
Mobilizing Critical Care Resources:
In addition to provision of PPE, Direct Relief’s early identification of needed intensive care medication resulted in it becoming an important source of these scarce medications during the crisis. Its pre-packaged modules of ICU medications were requested by and delivered to the most advanced hospitals, from Chan Zuckerberg General to the University of Miami Hospital.
The pandemic also created other opportunities for Direct Relief to respond within its unique operational strengths. The organization’s cold chain capacity – already used extensively to supply charitable insulin, vaccines, and rare disease therapies around the world – has been called upon to act as a backstop for public health agencies conducting Covid-19 vaccination campaigns, a deeply complex and difficult undertaking with enormous human impact.
Providing Funding for Safety-Net Facilities:
As is the case in all emergencies, the pre-existing gaps get bigger as resources are redirected to the emergency. That’s why Direct Relief’s focus during the Covid-19 pandemic was on supporting its partner network of community health centers, free and charitable clinics, and other safety net health facilities that care for people who are among the least fortunate and most vulnerable to crises. These healthcare providers have expanded their services during the pandemic often without reimbursement.
To support and help sustain their critical efforts, Direct Relief provided these organizations with more than $107 million in direct funding.
Informing Policy Through Data and Analysis
To inform its efforts and those of other response agencies, Direct Relief and partners established the Covid-19 Mobility Data Network, which created the first functional model for using digital mobility data to guide real-time emergency response activities.
The Network advised public health agencies on social distancing, testing, and other measures, from the office of California’s governor to the NYC Department of Health, to the national health services in the UK, South Africa, India, Thailand, and Australia.
Below is an overview of Direct Relief’s global response to Covid-19, organized by region.
Covid-19 Relief: United States
By the Numbers: United States
Direct Relief’s Covid-19 response efforts support people who are the least fortunate and most vulnerable to obtain needed care from local nonprofit health centers and clinics in medically underserved areas. The chronic challenges, vulnerability, and lack of cushion that exist in such communities — most often communities of color — are intensified when emergencies of any type arise, which the Covid-19 pandemic revealed once again.
Black and Indigenous Americans experienced the highest rates of loss from Covid-19. For that reasons, Direct Relief’s principal focus from the onset of the pandemic was to support the community health centers, free and charitable clinics, and other members of the U.S. safety net serving the country’s most vulnerable people and communities.
This support included providing a combination of emergency grants and extensive deliveries of PPE and other medical essentials to protect the health workforce and bolster their efforts to serve communities. Collaborative efforts, including with the National Black Nurses’ Association, artist Sean Diddy Combs, and health leaders in Navajo Nation, allowed Direct Relief to identify and provide targeted assistance to communities of color and the health workers serving them.
Even at the best of times, the country’s safety net operates on razor-thin margins. A downturn in patients – and revenue – may compromise a health center or clinic’s ability to keep its doors open. But these safety net providers played and continue to play an essential role in testing, contact tracing, and monitoring Covid-19 cases. They also kept patients out of overstretched hospitals by managing chronic conditions and other serious health issues.
To help these safety net providers keep their doors open and their patients out of the hospital, Direct Relief provided more than $74.5 million in grants to more than 500 health centers and local organizations across the U.S.
Click here to view a list of all grant recipients.
Covid-19 Relief: Americas
By the Numbers: Americas
When Covid-19 entered the Americas (Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America), it spread quickly, attacking large, densely populated city centers and the region’s most remote communities alike. Indigenous people were particularly affected, with a death rate twice as high as that of the general population, due in part to a lack of access to health care, sanitation, and other essential services.
Direct Relief focused its efforts in the Americas on reaching the most vulnerable communities, including Indigenous groups. Because of the region’s extraordinary geographic diversity, Direct Relief’s response needed to be flexible and fast-acting – closely coordinating with on-the-ground partners.
Among its many response activities, Direct Relief provided a grant designed to reach 14,000 Indigenous people in 11 South American countries, with the input of dozens of tribal leaders. In addition, grants were given to two Colombian groups providing PPE, health education, and other services to remote Indigenous communities with limited access to health care.
In Mexico, Direct Relief’s support included assisting with the transport of vaccines and providing millions of units of PPE and other medical supplies. ICU kits, oxygen concentrators, and other Covid-19-related medical supplies were delivered to Ecuador and Peru. And a nearly $10 million donation of medical aid to Honduras, delivered in the wake of Hurricanes Eta and Iota, included PPE and other supplies needed for fighting the spread of Covid-19.
In the Caribbean, Direct Relief has played a key role in repairing or rebuilding health clinics and hospitals that were damaged in hurricanes prior to the pandemic, including in the Bahamas, which was devastated by Hurricane Dorian in 2019, and in Dominica, which was hit by Hurricane Maria in 2017.
In Brazil, Direct Relief helped source thousands of oxygen concentrators and supported vaccination efforts with funding and material resources.
Direct Relief also provided funding and material support to local health facilities in Haiti, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, and other countries in the region.
Covid-19 Relief: Africa
By the Numbers: Africa
The pandemic posed a significant threat to vulnerable people across the African continent and to frontline community health workers, who have strong relationships in local communities and who have a vital role to play in testing, vaccination, and providing ongoing health services.
Among its response activities, Direct Relief joined the coalition Covid-19 Action Fund for Africa, investing $10 million to the effort and overseeing the purchasing of PPE intended for community health workers across the region.
The organization also donated $1 million to fighting Covid-19 in South Africa and provided an emergency grant, along with PPE and hygiene supplies, to support Eritrean and Ethiopians who were displaced by political unrest in those countries. Oxygen concentrators were delivered to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe, and Tanzania, among others. ICU kits were sent to Ghana, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe.
Like the rest of the world, countries in Africa experienced interruptions to chronic care, maternal and reproductive health services, and mental health treatment.
To counter this, Direct Relief provided 48 maternal health kits to Health Alliance International and Mozambique’s Ministry of Health; continued to support a major mental health program in Ghana; and provided ongoing support for diabetes and cancer care in the region.
Covid-19 Relief: Asia / Pacific
By the Numbers: Asia / Pacific
When Covid-19 appeared in Wuhan, China, it quickly overwhelmed the city’s hospitals and strained the surrounding province of Hubei. At one point, a top Chinese official warned that 100,000 protective suits would be required each day to fight the disease’s spread, but the country could only produce about 30,000 daily.
Direct Relief quickly jumped in, sending the country over 2 million units of protective equipment, including masks, gowns, gloves, and face shields.
As the virus expanded quickly through Asia, so too did Direct Relief’s response, particularly in countries and communities that were already vulnerable due to instability or other crises.
Direct Relief provided PPE and oxygen to India; emergency funding to groups providing Covid-19 care to Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh; ventilators, and ICU medications for Yemen; ICU kits to Nepal; and chronic disease medication, PPE and grants for hospitals in Lebanon following last year’s devastating explosion in Beirut.
Covid-19 Relief: Europe
By the Numbers: Europe
The European continent was hit hard and early by Covid-19. And like the rest of the world, Europe experienced acute PPE shortages that threatened the continent’s ability to fight and contain the disease. In response, Direct Relief provided large quantities of PPE, ventilators, oxygen concentrators, vaccine refrigerators, other medical equipment, and critical care medications to health organizations in Eastern Europe as well as to overwhelmed health systems in Western Europe including the UK, Spain, and Italy.
The organization’s response in the region also focused on protecting refugees and other vulnerable groups by providing emergency grants to support at-risk refugees in Italy and Greece and sending oxygen concentrators and other critical care items to Kosovo, North Macedonia, Italy, and Spain, where they were in short supply.
Grant Recipients (U.S.)
- ANHC Pharmacy Anchorage Neighborhood, Anchorage
- Bethel Family Clinic, Bethel
- Iliuliuk Family And Health Services, Inc., Unalaska
- Kodiak Island Health Care Foundation dba Kodiak Community Health Center, Kodiak
- Norton Sound Health Corporation, Nome
- Peninsula Community Health Services of Alaska, Soldotna
- Southcentral Foundation, Anchorage
- Sunshine Community Health Center, Talkeetna
- Yakutat Tlingit Tribe/Yakutat Community Health Center, Yakutat
- Bayou Clinic, Bayou La Batre
- Franklin Primary Health Center, Mobile
- Happi Health, Huntsville
- Medical Outreach Ministries, Montgomery
- M-POWER Ministries, Birmingham
- Chiricahua Community Health Centers, Inc., Douglas
- El Rio Community Health Center, Tucson
- Fort Defiance Indian Hospital Board Tse’Hootsooi’ Medical Center, Fort Defiance
- Marana Health Center, Marana
- Mission of Mercy, Phoenix
- Mountain Park Health Center, Phoenix
- Neighborhood Outreach Access to Health, Phoenix
- Prototype Health/TAPAZ, Mesa
- The Navajo Nation, Window Rock
- WelcomeHealth, Fayetteville
- AAA Comprehensive Healthcare, Inc., North Hollywood
- AIDS Project Los Angeles, Inc. APLA Health & Wellness, Los Angeles
- Alameda County Health Care for Homeless Program, Oakland
- All For Health, Health For All, Glendale
- Alliance Medical Clinic, Healdsburg
- AltaMed Health Services Corporation, Los Angeles
- Altura Centers for Health, Tulare
- American Indian Health & Services, Santa Barbara
- Ampla Health Del Norte Clinics, Inc., Yuba City
- Arroyo Vista Family Health Center, Los Angeles
- Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center dba SF Community Health Center, San Francisco
- Asian Americans For Community Involvement, San Jose
- Asian Health Services, Oakland
- Asian Pacific Health Care Venture, Inc., Los Angeles
- Avenal Community Health Center, Avenal
- Behavioral Health Services Family Health Center Pacifica House, Hawthorne
- BeverlyCare, Montebello
- Borrego Community Health Foundation, Borrego Springs
- Camino Health Center, San Juan Capistrano
- Center for Family Health and Education, Panorama City
- Central City Community Health Center, Rosemead
- Central Neighborhood Health Foundation, Los Angeles
- Centro Medico Community Clinic, Corona
- Chinatown Service Center, Los Angeles
- Clinica Msr. Oscar A Romero, Los Angeles
- Clinica Sierra Vista Administration, Bakersfield
- Clinicas De Salud Del Pueblo, Brawley
- Clinicas Del Camino Real, Inc., Ventura
- CommuniCare Health Centers, Davis
- Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles
- Community Health Alliance of Pasadena Pharmacy, Pasadena
- Community Health Centers of The Central Coast, Nipomo
- Community Medical Centers, Stockton
- Community Medical Wellness Centers USA, Long Beach
- Comprehensive Community Health Centers, Inc., Glendale
- Davis Street Primary Care Clinic, San Leandro
- De Novo Health Care, Compton
- Desert AIDS Project, Palm Springs
- Dientes Community Dental Care, Santa Cruz
- East Valley Community Health Center Covina, West Covina
- Eisner Health, Los Angeles
- El Dorado County Community Health Center, Placerville
- El Proyecto Del Barrio, Arleta
- Families Together of Orange County, Tustin
- Family Health Care Centers of Greater Los Angeles Bell Gardens Family Medical Center, Bell Gardens
- Family Health Centers of San Diego, San Diego
- Family Healthcare Network, Visalia
- Free Clinic of Simi Valley, Simi Valley
- Gardner Family Health Network, San Jose
- Global Health Access Program (GHAP), Berkeley
- Golden Valley Health Centers, Merced
- Harbor Community Clinic, San Pedro
- Health Access for All Inc. dba Angeles Community Health Center, Los Angeles
- Health And Life Organization, Inc. dba Sacramento Community Clinic, Sacramento
- Health Service Alliance, Chino
- HealthRIGHT 360/Haight Ashbury Free Clinic Mission Street , San Francisco
- Herald Christian Health Center, Rosemead
- Indian Health Center of Santa Clara Valley, San Jose
- Indian Health Council Pharmacy, Valley Center
- JWCH Institute, Inc., Commerce
- Kedren Community Health Center, Los Angeles
- KHEIR Clinic Administration, Los Angeles
- La Clinica De La Raza, Oakland
- La Maestra Community Health Centers, San Diego
- Lestonnac Free Clinic, Orange
- Lifelong Medical Care Administration, Berkeley
- Livingston Community Health, Livingston
- Livingstone Community Health Clinic, Stanton
- Long Valley Health Center, Laytonville
- Los Angeles Christian Health Centers, Los Angeles
- Mendocino Coast Clinics, Fort Bragg
- Mission City Community Network, Inc., North Hills
- Mission Neighborhood Health Center, San Francisco
- Moreno Valley Family Health Center Community Health Systems, Inc., Moreno Valley
- Mountain Valleys Health Centers, Bieber
- Neighborhood Healthcare Administration, Escondido
- Nhan Hoa Comprehensive Health Care Clinic, Garden Grove
- North East Medical Services, San Francisco
- North Orange County Regional Health Foundation, Fullerton
- Northeast Community Clinic, Alhambra
- Northeast Valley Health Corporation, San Fernando
- OCRM Health Care Services, Tustin
- Omni Family Health, Bakersfield
- Open Door Community Health Centers, Arcata
- Operation Samahan, Inc., National City
- ParkTree Community Health Center, Pomona
- Petaluma Health Center, Petaluma
- QueensCare Health Centers, Los Angeles
- R.O.A.D.S. Community Care Clinic, Compton
- Ravenswood Family Health Center, East Palo Alto
- Ritter Center, San Rafael
- Saban Community Clinic, Los Angeles
- SAC Health System, San Bernardino
- Sacramento Native American Health Center, Sacramento
- Salud Para La Gente, Watsonville
- Samuel Dixon Family Health Center, Valencia
- San Diego American Indian Health Center, Inc., San Diego
- San Diego Family Care Linda Vista Health Care Center, San Diego
- San Fernando Community Health Center, San Fernando
- San Jose Foothill Family Community Clinic – Administration, San Jose
- San Judas Community Health Center, Inc., Los Angeles
- San Ysidro Health Center, San Ysidro
- Sansum Clinic, Santa Barbara
- Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics, Santa Barbara
- Santa Cruz Community Health Centers, Santa Cruz
- Santa Rosa Community Health Centers Brookwood Health Center, Santa Rosa
- School Health Clinics Of Santa Clara County, San Jose
- Serenity Care Health Group, Los Angeles
- Serve the People Community Health Center, Santa Ana
- Share Our Selves Community Health Center, Costa Mesa
- Shasta Community Health Center, Redding
- Shingletown Medical Center, Shingletown
- South Bay Family Health Care Center, Torrance
- South Central Family Health Center, Los Angeles
- South of Market Health Center, San Francisco
- Southland Integrated Services, Inc., Garden Grove
- St. John’s Well Child and Family Centers, Los Angeles
- St. Vincent De Paul Village Family Healthcare Center, San Diego
- Tender Care Community Clinic Inc., Downey
- The Achievable Foundation , Culver City
- The Children’s Clinic , Long Beach
- THE Health and Wellness Center, Los Angeles
- The Willow Clinic, Sacramento
- Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center, Union City
- Todos Para La Salud Inc., Fresno
- TrueCare, San Marcos
- UCSD Student-Run Free Clinic Project, La Jolla
- Universal Community Health Center, Los Angeles
- Valley Community Healthcare, North Hollywood
- Valley Health Team, Inc., San Joaquin
- Venice Family Clinic, Venice
- Via Care Community Health Center, Los Angeles
- Vista Community Clinic, Vista
- Watts Healthcare Corporation, Los Angeles
- West County Health Centers, Inc., Guerneville
- Western Sierra Medical Clinic, Grass Valley
- Westminster Free Clinic, Thousand Oaks
- Westside Family Health Center, Santa Monica
- White Memorial Community Health Center, Los Angeles
- Wilmington Community Clinic, Wilmington
- Winters Healthcare, Winters
- Clinica Family Health, Lafayette
- Colorado Coalition For The Homeless, Denver
- Denver Health and Hospital Authority, Denver
- Denver Indian Health and Family Services, Inc., Denver
- Inner City Health Center, Denver
- Metro Community Provider Network, Englewood
- Mountain Family Community Health Center, Glenwood Springs
- Northwest Colorado Health Community Health Center, Steamboat Springs
- Open Bible Medical Clinic & Pharmacy, Colorado Springs
- Pueblo Community Health Center PCHC Pharmacy, Pueblo
- Salud Family Health Centers Administration, Fort Lupton
- Summit Community Care Clinic, Frisco
- Sunrise Community Health, Evans
- University of Colorado, Aurora
- Charter Oak Health Center, Hartford
- Connecticut Institute For Communities, Inc., Danbury
- Cornell Scott-Hill Health Corporation, New Haven
- Family Centers, Inc., Greenwich
- First Choice Health Centers, East Hartford
- Intercommunity Health Care, East Hartford
- Optimus Health Care, Bridgeport
- Wheeler Clinic, Plainville
District of Columbia
- La Clinica Del Pueblo, Inc., Washington
- Mary’s Center for Maternal and Child Care, Washington
- National Black Church Initiative, Washington
- Unity Health Care, Inc., Washington
- Westside Family Healthcare, Wilmington
- Bond Community Health Center , Tallahassee
- Borinquen Health Care Center, Inc., Miami
- Broward Community & Family Health Center, Hollywood
- Camillus Health Concern, Inc., Miami
- Care Resource, Miami
- Caridad Center, Boynton Beach
- Central Florida Family Health Center – True Health, Sanford
- Community Health Centers of Pinellas Inc. , St. Petersburg
- Community Health Northwest Florida, Pensacola
- Community Health of South Florida, Miami
- Empower U Community Health Center, Miami
- Florida Community Health Centers, West Palm Beach
- Genesis Community Health Inc., Boynton Beach
- Healthcare Network of Southwest Florida, Immokalee
- Jessie Trice Community Health, Miami
- MCR Health, Inc., Palmetto
- Miami Beach Community Health Center, Miami Beach
- Miami Rescue Mission Clinic, Inc., Miami
- Neighborhood Health Clinic, Naples
- Neighborhood Medical Center, Inc., Tallahassee
- North Florida Medical Centers, Inc., Tallahassee
- Osceola County Council on Aging Clinic, Kissimmee
- Palms Medical Group, High Springs
- Pancare of Florida, Inc., Panama City
- Premier Community HealthCare, Dade City
- Project Health, Inc. dba Langley Health Services, Sumterville
- Sulzbacher Health Center, Jacksonville
- Suncoast Community Health Centers , Brandon
- Tampa Family Health Centers, Tampa
- The Brevard Health Alliance Inc., Melbourne
- The Way Free Medical Clinic, Inc., Green Cove Springs
- Underground Free Clinic, Tampa
- Volunteers in Medicine Clinic, Inc., Stuart
- Whole Family Health Center, Vero Beach
- Bethesda Community Clinic, Canton
- Coastal Community Health Services, Inc., Brunswick
- Community Health Care Systems , Tennille
- Curtis V. Cooper Primary Health , Savannah
- Diversity Health Center, Inc., Ludowici
- East Georgia Healthcare, Inc., Swainsboro
- First Choice Primary Care, Macon
- Free Clinic of Rome, Rome
- Georgia Highlands Medical Services, Inc., Cumming
- Good News Clinics, Inc., Gainesville
- Medical Associates Plus, Augusta
- Medlink Georgia, Inc., Colbert
- Meridian Educational Resource Group dba Whitefoord Inc., Atlanta
- Primary Healthcare Centers of Dade, Inc., Trenton
- South Central Primary Care Center, Ocilla
- Community Clinic of Maui, Inc., Wailuku
- Hana Health, Hana
- Lanai Community Health Center Administration, Lanai City
- The Wahiawa Center For Community Health, Wahiawa
- Waimanalo Health Center, Waimanalo
- West Hawaii Community Health Center, Kailua Kona
- Community Health Care, Inc. Edgerton Women’s Health Center, Davenport
- Community Health Center of Fort Dodge, Fort Dodge
- Boundary Regional Community Health Center dba Kaniksu Health Services, Ponderay
- Dirne Health Centers Inc. dba Heritage Health, Hayden
- Family Health Services Administration, Twin Falls
- Health West – Lava Clinic, Lava Hot Springs
- Pocatello Free Clinic, Pocatello
- Asian Human Services Family Health Center, Chicago
- Chicago Family Health Center, Chicago
- Community Health and Emergency Services, Cairo
- Crusader Central Clinic Association, Rockford
- Erie Family Health Center, Chicago
- Esperanza Health Centers, Chicago
- Family Christian Health Center, Harvey
- Family Health Partnership Clinic, Crystal Lake
- Greater Elgin Family Care Center, Elgin
- Heartland Health Centers, Chicago
- Legacy Medical Care, Inc., Arlington Heights
- Macoupin County Maple Street Clinic, Gillespie
- New Song Health Center dba Bolingbrook Christian Health Center, Bolingbrook
- Southern Illinois Healthcare Foundation, Sauget
- VNA Health Care, Aurora
- Will-Grundy Medical Clinic, Joliet
- Health Net, Inc., Indianapolis
- Heart and Soul Clinic, Inc., Westfield
- Maple City Health Care Center, Goshen
- Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas, Pittsburg
- Heartland Medical Clinic, Inc. dba Heartland Community Health Center, Lawrence
- Prairiestar Health Center, Hutchinson
- Fairview Community Health Center, Bowling Green
- HealthPoint Family Care, Covington
- Park Duvalle Community Health Center, Louisville
- Baptist Community Health Services, New Orleans
- HIV/AIDS Alliance for Region Two dba Open Health Care Clinic, Baton Rouge
- Iberia Comprehensive Community Health Center, New Iberia
- Innis Community Health Center, Batchelor
- Marillac Community Health Centers, New Orleans
- Martin Luther King Health Center dba MLK Health Center & Pharmacy, Shreveport
- MQVN Community Development Corp , New Orleans
- No Aids Task Force dba Crescent Care, New Orleans
- Odyssey House Community Health Center, New Orleans
- Primary Health Services Center, Monroe
- RKM Primary Care, Clinton
- Southeast Community Health Systems, Independence
- St. Thomas Community Health Center, New Orleans
- Start Corporation (CHC), Houma
- The Health Hut, Ruston
- Boston Healthcare for the Homeless, Boston
- Brockton Neighborhood Health Center, Brockton
- Cambridge Health Alliance, Cambridge
- Codman Square Health Center, Dorchester
- Community Health Center of Franklin County, Turners Falls
- Community Health Programs, Great Barrington
- Dimock Community Health Center, Roxbury
- Dot House Health, Dorchester
- East Boston Neighborhood Health Center Corporation, Boston
- Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center, Worcester
- Family Health Care Center of SSTAR, Fall River
- Family Health Center of Worcester, Worcester
- Fenway Community Health Center, Boston
- Greater Lawrence Family Health Center, Methuen
- Greater New Bedford Community Health Center, New Bedford
- Harbor Health Services, Hyannis
- Harvard Street Neighborhood Health Center, Inc., Dorchester
- Hilltown Community Health Centers, Worthington
- Holyoke Health Center, Holyoke
- Lowell Community Health Center, Lowell
- Lynn Community Health, Inc., Lynn
- Manet Community Health Center, Quincy
- Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, Worcester
- North End Community Health Committee, Boston
- Outer Cape Health Services, Harwich Port
- South Boston Community Health Center, South Boston
- South Cove Community Health Center, Boston
- South End Community Health Center, Boston
- The Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Inc., Boston
- Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires, Great Barrington
- Whittier Street Health Center, Roxbury
- CCI – Silver Spring, Silver Spring
- Chase Brexton Health Center, Baltimore
- Greater Baden Medical Services, Brandywine
- National Black Nurses Association, Silver Spring
- Shepherd’s Clinic, Baltimore
- Islands Community Medical Services, Vinalhaven
- Oasis Free Clinics, Brunswick
- Penobscot Community Health Care, Bangor
- Portland Community Health Center, Portland
- Sacopee Valley Health Center, Porter
- Cherry Street Services, Inc. Heart of the City Pharmacy, Grand Rapids
- Community Health and Social Services Center – CHASS, Detroit
- Covenant Community Care Street Outreach, Detroit
- Dr. Gary Burnstein Community Health Clinic, Pontiac
- Family Health Care, Baldwin
- Lakeland Immediate Care Center dba Cassopolis Family Clinic Network, Cassopolis
- Love in Action of the Tri-Cities, Grand Haven
- The Luke Project 52 Clinic, Fenton
- The Wellness Plan PHARMACY, Detroit
- Thunder Bay Community Health Service, Inc., Hillman
- Traverse Health Clinic, Traverse City
- Trinity Community Care, Shelby Township
- C.A.R.E. Clinic, Red Wing
- Community-University Health Care Center University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
- Cook Area Health Services, Inc. dba Scenic Rivers Health Services, Cook
- HealthFinders Collaborative, Inc., Faribault
- Minnesota Community Care, St. Paul
- Southside Community Health Services, Inc., Minneapolis
- Access Family Care, Joplin
- Big Springs Medical Association dba Missouri Highlands Health Care, Ellington
- Faith Community Health, Branson
- Kansas City CARE Clinic, Kansas City
- Northwest Health Services, Inc., St. Joseph
- Semo Health Network Southeast Missouri Health Network, New Madrid
- Aaron E Henry Community Health Services Center, Clarksdale
- Amite County Medical Services, Inc., Liberty
- Central Mississippi Health Services, Jackson
- Coastal Family Health Center, Biloxi
- Community Health Center Association of Mississippi, Jackson
- Free Clinic of Meridian, Meridian
- G. A. Carmichael Family Health Center, Canton
- Greater Meridian Health Clinic Inc., Meridian
- Jefferson Comprehensive Health Center, Fayette
- Northeast Mississippi Health Care, Inc., Byhalia
- Outreach Health Services, Inc., Shubuta
- Southeast MS Rural Health Initiative, Inc., Hattiesburg
- Bighorn Valley Health Center Ashland, Ashland
North Carolina
- Advance Community Health, Inc., Raleigh
- Black River Health Services, Inc. dba Black River Family Practice, Burgaw
- Cape Fear Clinic, Wilmington
- Carolina Family Health Centers Wilson Community Health Center, Wilson
- Community Care Clinic of Rowan County, Salisbury
- Community Health Services of Union County Inc., Monroe
- CommWell Health Administration Office, Four Oaks
- Free Clinic of Rockingham County, Reidsville
- Goshen Medical Center, Inc., Faison
- Greene County Health Care, Snow Hill
- Helping Hands Clinic, Inc., Lenoir
- Hot Springs Health Program, Marshall
- Kintegra Family Medicine – Hudson, Gastonia
- Lake Norman Community Health Clinic, Huntersville
- MedAssist of Mecklenburg, Charlotte
- Mountain Community Health Partnership, Bakersville
- New Hanover Community Health Center dba MedNorth Health Center, Wilmington
- New Hope Clinic, Inc., Southport
- Person Family Medical Center, Roxboro
- Piedmont Health Services, Carrboro
- Randolph Family Health Care at Merce Randolph County, Asheboro
- Roanoke Chowan Community Health Center, Ahoskie
- Scotland Community Health Clinic , Laurinburg
- Stedman Wade Health Services, Wade
- Western North Carolina Community Health Services, Asheville
North Dakota
- Coal Country Community Health Center, Beulah
- Family Healthcare Center, Fargo
- Northland Community Health Center Administration, Turtle Lake
- Spectra Health, Grand Forks
- Charles Drew Health Center, Omaha
- Clinic with a Heart, Lincoln
- Good Neighbor Community Health Center, Columbus
- HelpCare Clinic, Kearney
- North Omaha Area Health , Omaha
- OneWorld Community Health Center, Omaha
New Hampshire
- Ammonoosuc Community Health Services, Littleton
New Jersey
- Cape Volunteers in Medicine, Inc., Cape May
- Center for Health, Education, Medicine and Dentistry , Lakewood
- Henry J. Austin Health Center, Inc., Trenton
- North Hudson Community Action Corporation – Administration, Union City
- Project H.O.P.E.,Inc., Camden
- Zufall Health Center Dover, Dover
New Mexico
- Community Outreach & Patient Empowerment Program, Inc., Gallup
- El Pueblo Health Services, Bernalillo
- First Nations Community HealthSource, Albuquerque
- Community Health Alliance, Reno
- Northern Nevada HOPES Clinic, Reno
New York
- Advantage Care Health Centers, Brookville
- Beacon Christian Community Health Center, Staten Island
- Bedford Stuyvesant Family Health Center, Brooklyn
- Betances Health, New York
- BronxCare Health System Emergency Room Department, Bronx
- Brownsville Multi-Service Family Health Center, Brooklyn
- Care for the Homeless, New York
- Community Health Center of Richmond, Staten Island
- Community Healthcare Network, New York
- Cornerstone Family Healthcare, Cornwall
- East Harlem Council for Human Services Boriken Neighborhood Health Center, New York
- Ezra Medical Center, Brooklyn
- Family Health Centers at NYU Langone Sunset Park Health Council, Inc., Brooklyn
- HealthCare Choices NY, Inc., Brooklyn
- His Branches, Inc., Rochester
- Hometown Health Centers Schenectady Family Health Services, Schenectady
- Housing Works, Brooklyn
- Hudson Headwaters Health Network, Queensbury
- Jericho Road Community Health Center, Buffalo
- Joseph P. Addabbo Family Health Center, Arverne
- Long Island FQHC Inc., Westbury
- Long Island Select Healthcare, Inc., Central Islip
- Metro Community Health Center, Inc., Bronx
- Neighborhood Health Center of WNY, Inc., Buffalo
- ODA Primary Care Health Center, Brooklyn
- Open Door Family Medical Centers Inc., Ossining
- Project Renewal Inc., New York
- Rochester Primary Care Network dba Mosaic Health Administration, Rochester
- The Chautauqua Center, Dunkirk
- The Door-Adolescent Health Center, New York
- The Floating Hospital, Inc., Long Island City
- The Institute for Family Health, New York
- Trillium Health Inc., Rochester
- Urban Health Plan, Inc., Bronx
- VIP Community Services Inc., Bronx
- William F. Ryan Community Health Center, New York
- Axess Pointe Community Health Centers, Inc., Akron
- Circle Health Services Uptown, Cleveland
- Columbus Neighborhood Health Center, Inc dba PrimaryOne Health, Columbus
- Compass Community Health, Portsmouth
- County of Medina Auditor, dba Medina County Health Department, Medina
- Equitas Health, Columbus
- Fairfield Community Health Center, Lancaster
- Family Health Services of Darke County, Greenville
- Five Rivers Health Centers Samaritan Homeless Clinic, Dayton
- Grace Clinics of Ohio, Inc., Delaware
- HealthSource of Ohio, Inc., Loveland
- Heart of Ohio Family Health Center, Columbus
- Hopewell Health Centers, Inc., Athens
- Knox County Community Health Center, Mount Vernon
- Lisbon and East Liverpool Community Health Centers, Lisbon
- Lorain County Free Clinic, Lorain
- Muskingum Valley Health Center, Zanesville
- Neighborhood Health Care, Inc. dba Neighborhood Family Practice, Cleveland
- Ohio Hills Health Services, Barnesville
- Rocking Horse Community Health Center, Springfield
- Shawnee Mental Health Center, Portsmouth
- Southeast, Inc., Columbus
- The HealthCare Connection, Inc., Cincinnati
- Winton Hills Medical and Health Center dba WinMed Health Services, Cincinnati
- Health & Wellness Center, Stigler
- Morton Comprehensive Health Services, Tulsa
- Northeastern Oklahoma Community Health Centers, Inc., Hulbert
- La Clinica Community Pharmacy, Medford
- One Community Health, Hood River
- Volunteers In Medicine Clinic Of The Cascades, Bend
- White Bird Clinic, Eugene
- Community Volunteers in Medicine, West Chester
- Hamilton Health Center, Harrisburg
- Hope Within Ministries, Inc., Elizabethtown
- La Comunidad Hispana, Kennett Square
- Public Health Management Corporation, Philadelphia
- The Wright Center for Community Health, Jermyn
Puerto Rico
- Camuy Health Services, Inc., Camuy
- Community Health Foundation of Puerto Rico, Inc., Bayamon
- Costa Salud Community Health Centers Rincón, Rincón
- Health ProMed Foundation, Santurce
- Hospital General Castañer, Castaner
- Med Centro, Inc., Ponce
- Migrant Health Center Western Region, Inc., Mayagüez
- Morovis Community Health Center, Inc., Morovis
- Ponce Medical School Foundation Inc., Ponce
- PryMed Medical Care, Inc., Ciales
Rhode Island
- Rhode Island Free Clinic, Providence
- Thundermist Health Center, Woonsocket
South Carolina
- Beaufort-Jasper Hampton Comprehensive Health Services, Okatie
- CareSouth Carolina, Inc., Hartsville
- Fetter Health Care Network, Charleston
- Good Samaritan Clinic, West Columbia
- Greenville Free Medical Clinic, Greenville
- New Horizon Family Health Services, Greenville
- Tandem Health SC, Sumter
- Taylors Free Medical Clinic, Taylors
- Welvista, Columbia
South Dakota
- Horizon Health Care, Inc., Howard
- Cherokee Health Systems Knoxville, Knoxville
- Chota Community Health Services, Madisonville
- Faith Family Medical Center, Nashville
- Helping Hands of Tennessee, Jackson
- Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Center, Inc., Nashville
- Neighborhood Health, Nashville
- Providence Medical Clinic of Kingsport, Kingsport
- University Community Health Services, Nashville
- Amistad Community Health Center, Corpus Christi
- Asian American Health Coalition dba HOPE Clinic, Houston
- Atascosa Health Center, Inc., Pleasanton
- Bee Busy Wellness Center, Houston
- Brownsville Community Health Center, Brownsville
- Casa El Buen Samaritano, Houston
- Centro San Vicente, El Paso
- CentroMed South Park Clinic Pharmacy, San Antonio
- Coastal Bend Wellness Foundation, Corpus Christi
- CommuniCare Health Centers Dr. Frank Bryant Health Center, San Antonio
- Community Health Center of Lubbock, Lubbock
- Community Health Centers of South Central Texas, Gonzales
- El Centro De Corazon, Houston
- Fort Bend Family Health Center AccessHealth, Richmond
- Galveston County Health District Coastal Health & Wellness Clinic, Texas City
- Gateway Community Health Center, Laredo
- Good Samaritan Rescue Mission, Corpus Christi
- Grapevine Relief And Community Exchange, Grapevine
- Gulf Coast Health Center, Port Arthur
- Health Center of Southeast Texas, Cleveland
- Health Services of North Texas, Denton
- Healthcare for the Homeless Caroline Clinic, Houston
- Heart of Texas Community Health Center, Waco
- Hope Clinic of McKinney, McKinney
- Interfaith Community Clinic, Conroe
- Lone Star Community Health Center, Conroe
- Matagorda Episcopal Health Outreach Program Medical Clinic, Bay City
- Mission East Dallas, Mesquite
- North Texas Area Community Health Centers, Inc., Fort Worth
- Nuestra Clinica Del Valle, San Juan
- Pasadena Health Center, Pasadena
- PediPlace, Inc., Lewisville
- San Jose Clinic, Houston
- Shackelford County Community Resource Center, Albany
- Shifa Healthcare and Community Services USA, Sugar Land
- Smithville Community Clinic, Smithville
- South Plains Rural Health, Levelland
- South Texas Rural Health Services, Inc., Cotulla
- Spring Branch Community Health Center, Houston
- Stephen F Austin Community Health Network, Alvin
- Su Clinica Familiar, Harlingen
- Temple Community Clinic, Temple
- The Texas International Institute of Health Professions, Houston
- Triangle Area Network, Beaumont
- Ubi Caritas Health Ministries, Beaumont
- Vecino Health Centers Houston Community Health Centers, Houston
- Wellness Pointe, Longview
- Bear Lake Community Health Centers, Providence
- Community Health Centers, Inc., West Valley City
- Central Virginia Health Services Inc , New Canton
- Chesapeake Care, Chesapeake
- CrossOver Healthcare Ministry, Richmond
- Daily Planet Health Care For The Homeless, Richmond
- Greater Prince William Community Health Center, Woodbridge
- National Association of Free and Charitable Clinics, Alexandria
- Neighborhood Health, Alexandria
- Orange County Free Clinic, Orange
- Portsmouth Community Health Center, Inc. dba Hampton Roads Community Health Center, Norfolk
- Richmond Area High Blood Pressure Center dba Center for Healthy Hearts, Richmond
- Rx Partnership, Richmond
- Southwest Virginia Community Health Systems, Saltville
- The Catoctin Foundation dba Loudoun Free Clinic, Leesburg
- Vernon J. Harris East End CHC dba Capital Area Health Network, Richmond
- Park Street Healthshare, Rutland
- People’s Health & Wellness Clinic, Barre
- Richford Health Center, Inc., Richford
- Battle Ground HealthCare, Battle Ground
- Community Health Assn. of Spokane CHAS , Spokane
- Cowlitz Family Health Center, Longview
- Grace Clinic, Kennewick
- HealthPoint, Renton
- International Community Health Services, Seattle
- Neighborcare Health, Seattle
- Peninsula Community Health Services, Bremerton
- Sea Mar Community Health Centers, Seattle
- Seattle Indian Health Board, Seattle
- The Olympia Free Clinic , Olympia
- Tri-Cities Community Health, Pasco
- Yakima Neighborhood Health Services, Yakima
- Lake Superior Community Health Center, Superior
- Milwaukee Health Services, Inc., Milwaukee
- NorthLakes Community Clinic, Iron River
- Outreach Community Health Centers, Milwaukee
- Partnership Community Health Center, Appleton
West Virginia
- Belington Community Medical Services Association, Belington
- Community Health Systems, Inc. dba Access Health, Beckley
- Health Access, Inc., Clarksburg
- Roane County Family Health Care, Spencer
- WV Health Right, Inc., Charleston
- Downtown Clinic, Laramie
- HealthWorks, Cheyenne
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